"True" performance intake kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"True" performance intake kit

Would you be interested in a "true" performance intake tube"

  • Yes a silicone rubber tube would be great.

    Votes: 185 86.9%
  • No, I want my chrome and don't care about the heat.

    Votes: 28 13.1%

  • Total voters


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I was talking to Warren at KKM about offering an intake tube kit to go along with their KKM air filters. He said the current generation of chromed steel intakes have an inherent problem which is that they absorb and hold heat since they are made of steel. As we know heat robs horsepower.

Warren's reccomendation is to have an intake tube made completely out of fiber reinforced silcone rubber. The thing is it would only be available in black or maybe blue.

The question is how many people would be interested in this type of intake system.

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i would be right at the front of that line to buy the rubber one :)

keep us updated as what the guys over at KKM decide.

I wouldn't get one because I couldn't use it, but if I had a stock routed intake I for sure would!

I would also take a rubber intake if they were available. They would be smooth on the inside, not rippled,.Correct? Mike

I would be interested IF it significantly improved the performance of the air filter and the price was right.

Originally posted by Hartman
I would be interested IF it significantly improved the performance of the air filter and the price was right.


Sounds interesting!
I'd buy one.

Rick, keep us posted,ok?


Originally posted by JamminG4Jim
Sounds interesting!
I'd buy one.

Rick, keep us posted,ok?


You bet, keep the comments and votes coming since Warren needs to be sure he has a market for these.

i will buy one...as long as they arent too expensive....

I'm with Heath - I'm in if they're going to make one for us 5.0ers.


I would be interested but the major deciding factor would be price. How much are these going to be selling for?

Count me in. Will it be for the OHV and the SOHC?

count me in also!

If he can get it out before the FIPK for the 4.6L I would buy it

Does the extra tubing make the KKM a true cold air intake? I would definitley be intrested if it blocks heat, and like explorer46L said - get it out before the K&N FIPK cause thats what I want.

gettin a lil off topic, but i have the mac intake with the chrome tube. any way the tube u are talking about can just replace what i have? or to make my chrome one less heat absorbent? i notice my tube gets warm when i drive it for a bit. any coating i can put on it? or wrap it with?

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