TTB to SOLID AXLE?! ....not a swap | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TTB to SOLID AXLE?! ....not a swap

See getting the axle is the easier and cheaper portion of the swap(most of the time). But then you also dont know what condition the axle is in(balljoints, u-joints, ring/pinion, etc...) so those items may or may not have to be replaced and the price varies significantly depending on the quality of the parts you replace them with, if that makes since. Then theres the option of leafsprings, or coil springs with another option of 4-link radius armed or not, 3 link etc... etc.. and then fabbing a trac bar and a steering setup. More than 90% of the time lifting the TTB will be cheaper than an SAS.

Yes there will be more wear and tear with the front axle turning all the time. I've left my hubs locked in before for a week on accident and didnt notice a thing in both mileage or driveability.

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PM Dreamr. He might still have a paritally rebuilt D30 hanging in his garage and Fox body mustang without a motor (hint, hint)

Where has dreamr been??

He popped up recently in one of our Liberty threads. Haven't heard from him enough to know much yet, just said the last year has been really crazy.

I guess the Mustang is sans motor but don't know why.

He also got hooked on World of Warcraft about the same time.

I think after the Moose incedent, he decided to keep low for a while.
