turn/stop lights not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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turn/stop lights not working


Jack from JackOffRoad
August 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 2dr
Three years ago, yes three years ago, i removed the abs pump and associated wiring. Well i may have snipped one too many wires. Now that the crawler is about to be used again, i am finding things not working. First the fuel pump had no ground, grounded to frame and that works fine. But the fuel gauge is not working. Also, I had tail lamps but no stop or turn. I am looking through the Ford troubleshooting manual, but it's been a while since I've following wiring schematics. From what I can gather I am looking at a ground issue but wondering if anyone with a little more expertise or knowledge of the first gen wiring could shed some light on where i should look.

all fuses are good, btw. I did check that :)

thanks in advance!

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Could be a bad multi-function switch or loose connections at the switch itself. I've had both in the past cause problems with no hazards/turn/stop lights
I had planned on doing some diagnosing tonight after work but the boys and i installed the tube doors and added 70 hp worth of stickers to the rear gate of the explorer and the rear glass of the LJ

I had my turn signals stop working. The fuse kept blowing. Ultimately the wiring harness down to the trans was the issue. It had melted on the exhaust. Had to rewire the entire piece. Though I don't think my stop lights were fubar so maybe not your issue...
