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UK Explorer

My X is a 1999 UK 'North Face' model , this has colour coded bumpers etc , as in the UK we don't tend to go for chrome as much as you guys across the pond .Leather interior and all of the other goodies . The first change I'm making to it is getting it converted to run on LPG , petrol is about $6.70 a gallon in the UK after that fool Tony Blair has had his tax , LPG is under $3.20 a gallon so quite a saving if you do a few miles . :uk:




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Nice truck In The Sticks!

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In The Sticks, I'm in Oz and I want to fit LPG to my '96 Ex.
The fitters I've have spoken to so far have a problem with the plastic manifold and the dual oxygen sensors.
Before I butt my head any further I wanted to speak to someone who has done it.

I was going to put the spare on a holder hanging from the towbar in behind the tailgate like a Pajero.

wood trim for the dash

:uk: new to all this, havent even taken delivery yet, but does anyone know where to buy a wood trim dash conversion kit for UK vehicle

I don't know of anywhere in this country where you can get the kits for the explorer. If you think of importing remember that ours are RHD so the standard US kit will not fit.

As an aside here. Can anyone recommend a good (experienced) garage for getting work done on my Explorer? Preferably in the Yorkshire area, but would be willing to travel further a field in the UK to get good work done.

My top and bottom front ball joints and anti-roll bar bushes need replacing, but the garage I am using is messing around in getting the parts. They also have no experience with Ex's although they are a specialist Land Rover garage.

Otherwise can anyone recommend a parts supplier in the UK for Explorer parts?

