Upgrading 1998 Explorer 4.0 to 2000 5.0 Issues | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upgrading 1998 Explorer 4.0 to 2000 5.0 Issues

I can not hear the fuel pump. it might be turning on then off, but hard to tell. I cant hear anything if standing next to vehichle but if I put my ear to the gas take a can hear something but not very loud

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i would make sure you have fuel going to the fuel rail, or if you have fuel pressure. if you have neither, then i would make sure the fuel pump is turning on

i don't have a pressure gauge, put i did push the sharder value and gas did come out. Now it didnt come out like really strong. i tried when key was in the on position and trying to start it. just didnt spray very hard.

update: Fuel is coming up to the rail, but nothing is being returned to the tank. Anyone go any idea?

UPDATE: I had someone come out that had one of those expensive scan tools and I am I am getting the P1260 code....

pats issue

Pats issue , the anti theft system is killing your injectors , you need to get the pats turned off

You need the ignition key switch and key, the anti-theft module, and the computer from the same vehicle. They are all linked together and must match! If any one of these components is swapped the system will disable the injectors and it will not run

May be getting fuel there but may not have proper psi.

And what he said on Pat's.
