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Upper shackle frame bushings ES 4.2124


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July 14, 2009
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2001 Explorer XLT 5.0
A long time ago I ordered some leaf spring bushings for an old X I had. I believe I ordered a couple different kits to upgrade to poly in the leafs and to replace the frame bushings as well. At the time I only installed the leaf bushings and moved on. I scrapped that X and bought another but saved the leafs. I still have this bushing kit that I never used before which I believe include the frame bushings. Im gonna be installing my old leafs on my new X and I need to replace the frame bushings. Can anyone confirm that I have the right kit for the frame bushings. The energy suspension part number I have is 4.2124 which shows to be for a first gen X, but if i remember the frame bushings are the same between first and second gens, correct?

If that is the correct kit, am I correct that to install the frame bushings, I’ll burn out the old rubber but leave the outer sleeve in the frame and install the poly bushings right into the old sleeve?

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I did a search on the site and these threads seem to confirm that the bushing kit you have for the 1st gen will work on the frame to shackle bushing mount.

Please read through them before you take apart your rig to make sure this is the info you want.


I did a search on the site and these threads seem to confirm that the bushing kit you have for the 1st gen will work on the frame to shackle bushing mount.

Please read through them before you take apart your rig to make sure this is the info you want.

Thanks. Those are just some of the threads I got in my search results too. I’m gonna torch the rubber portion of the frame bushings out first to confirm this info is correct before trying to remove the sleeve. My guess is the sleeve is impossible to remove as some have stated.

Just heat the the sleeve only
Then use a socket to push it out while hot
Do not let it burn on fire
The rubber melts and stinks just soften it
I used a propane torch
Remove the inner sleeve first then the outer shell or fight it all day

When you remove the outer bushing shell I used a hacksaw

I believe the lower shackle bushings are the only ones that need to have the outer shell removed

Just heat the the sleeve only
Then use a socket to push it out while hot
Do not let it burn on fire
The rubber melts and stinks just soften it
I used a propane torch
Remove the inner sleeve first then the outer shell or fight it all day

When you remove the outer bushing shell I used a hacksaw

I believe the lower shackle bushings are the only ones that need to have the outer shell removed
Not sure what bushing you’re referring to when you say to burn out the bushing and then press out the shell? My question was specifically regarding the frame bushing.

The frame (upper shackle) bushing does not have the outer shell removed, but you might want to take a wire wheel, brush, or sandpaper to it if it is rusted inside to clean that out, or clean out molten/charred bushing material if you used a torch.

The rear spring eye (lower shackle) bushing does have the outer shell removed.

The front spring eye bushing does not have the outer shell removed and needs a bushing size not in the 4.2124 kit.

The frame (upper shackle) bushing does not have the outer shell removed, but you might want to take a wire wheel, brush, or sandpaper to it if it is rusted inside to clean that out, or clean out molten/charred bushing material if you used a torch.

The rear spring eye (lower shackle) bushing does have the outer shell removed.

The front spring eye bushing does not have the outer shell removed and needs a bushing size not in the 4.2124 kit.

And I believe this is the front eye
Energy Suspension 3.2125R

And I believe this is the front eye
Energy Suspension 3.2125R
Thanks guys. That answers my question regarding the frame bushing location and jives with what I vaguely remembered. I have the spring eyes sorted already as these springs were already used in my previous X.

AutoZone sells the rear shackle. That what I used for my 95 X

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