USB Flash Drive Issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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USB Flash Drive Issues


March 29, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 XLT
So I can get music to show on my USB Flash drive but not audio books or jpegs. I have wallpaper that I took from here as well as audiobooks from overdrive but neither will show up when the flash drive is indexed. Music shows up with no problem
What am I doing wrong?

What file format are the audiobooks recorded in? It could be a wonky file type, especially if they are DRM'd or copyrighted.

I'm not sure why the jpegs are not showing up. Do they have the jpg file type on the end of the file? I'm not sure how smart MFT is when it comes to identifying file types that don't have the normal endings on them.

Not a whole lot of help, but may knock a couple of possible causes off the list. Hope you get it figured out :)

I solved the audiobook problem by loading onto Iphone and using bluetooth--still baffled by pic issue but gave up on that for now and focusing on turn by turn problem
thanks for the help
