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Injen Intake Installed

LOL, I'll keep that in mind. I will have to look next time I'm under there if it's worth a shot or not.

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with this intake installed are the turbos more audible??

Yes. You can hear the turbos. It also gives it a deeper growl sound down low. I'm really impressed at how it had improved my fuel economy. Personally I think it's a great purchase.

Just remember when installing the sensor onto the Injen tube, note the tab is located in the 3:00 o'clock position, identical to factory position. I ordered mine from New Level Motorsports, $205, free shipping. I just ordered the pre-filter as well (part #x-1034), $21.87, the dinged me on the shipped this time. ($6.99) oh well. It is a very easy install. Just added this weekend, with update performance soon.

Speaking of sound, did you guys know that those oddly shaped boxes that hang off the sides of the stock OEM air intake are actually harmonic balancing the sound that is created upon air intake.

I had an engineer explain that they tune out certain acoustics for the retail market to obtain the quiet vehicle benefit.

I thought they were emission related.

Is this Part # PF9005P

Is ts the Injen Power-Flow Cold Air Intake System Short Ram Power Flow Intake System SKU 3834591 Part # PF9005P, I just purchased this for my Explorer Sport 2013.

Be aware that this intake doesn't come with any sort of heat shield. My intake air temps quickly rise to 30 degrees above ambient. Cold air intake... Not really. I have been emailing with injen about this. If a resolution is reached I will alert you all.

I'm working on prototyping a new cold air intake with a couple of options and "hot side" pipes which go from the turbo to the throttle body. The intakes will have two options, a box like the factory and a true cold air with the filter in the driver's fender. I drop my car off to get everything prototyped on Monday.
I'll post up once it's all done and share with you guys.

Be aware that this intake doesn't come with any sort of heat shield. My intake air temps quickly rise to 30 degrees above ambient. Cold air intake... Not really. I have been emailing with injen about this. If a resolution is reached I will alert you all.
Screenshot from Torque showing the ambient versus intake air temp while idling in my drive.

Edit: It says I can't post attachments for some reason.
Air Temp 98.6 F
Intake Temp 123.8 F

Sorry to hijack this thread but Bryan at Injen indicated that they "Have not come up with a cost affect (sp) solution that will give a customer a heat shield." I told him that the Air Raid does have abox but that fell on deaf ears. He indicated that I should return the intake to the vendor I purchased it from.

In short Injen sells a cold air intake (I know it's a SRI but they called it a CAI) that doesn't work as advertised and won't stand behind the product and make it right.

Thought you guys in this thread would want to know.

Finally got the Ingen Air Intake for my 2013 Sport Nano Filter wont fit the Aluminum

But the damn Nano Filter wont fit the Aluminum tubing. My guess is that they gave me the wrong size nano filter. They took my PICS and now I am waiting on them to figure out how the hell they jacked up my order... WTF!




A couple of us bought INJEN for non EcoBoost and they failed miserably. INJEN nor AutoAnything would take them back.

So Im trying to launch complaint through BBB in Pomona CA

INJEN is junk

Sorry for hijack

It's been a while since this tread started. So, what's your experience with the Injen cai. Is it worth even with the fact it doesn't have a heat shield??

bump? anyone using this?
I'm a big fan of dry nanofiber media.

But the damn Nano Filter wont fit the Aluminum tubing. My guess is that they gave me the wrong size nano filter. They took my PICS and now I am waiting on them to figure out how the hell they jacked up my order... WTF!

Funny story... I bought the same intake , from the same vendor
" autoanything"
and the same thing happened to me...

The good news those NanoFiber filters come from AMSOIL, so I upgraded. ( they shipped my replacement today) but none the less I'll probably run the larger filter until it needs replacing.



I'll add the blue pre filter next time I'm up at AMSOIL

I am guessing the people who pack the boxes are test fitting the filter on the smaller end, it fits on there perfectly.
