V8 Ex Plug Removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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V8 Ex Plug Removal

97 EB Mike

Well-Known Member
February 19, 2010
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97 Eddie Bauer
So, you know those little metal cylinders over the plug that are just supposed to pop out of there? What do you do if they don't? I have one that I have literally spent the last two hours trying to remove. I now have about 1/16 of an inch play left and right, but no movement out. I've sprayed it down with PB several times, used pliers, vice grips, and every cuss word I know. I even wedged a screwdriver between the opening in the middle of the jaws in my vice grips and the control arm mount and succeeded in doing nothing but rocking the truck. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, and my sanity thanks you in advance.

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get a picture of what your talking about and i might be able to help. i dont have a v8 but i am familiar with the models and a second set of eyes might be able to help :thumbsup:

Here's the first one, it came out with just a little tug:

Here's the one that just won't budge:

can you upload full size? i cant see because of how small the image is

edited last post...sorry, I'm terrible at this photobucket thing...

with how mangled the piece looks and how cheap it probably is i would just clamp some vise grips on there as tight as you can and yank the heck out of it. maybe even put a rope from the handle and tie it to a door knob n slam it:p:

i would gently go around and almost crimp that piece in towards the head of the plug. that will clear it from the sides it is touching and hopefully get it out.

been there, done that, except for the door slamming ;) waking up a baby at this time in the morning would likely mean I'd be sleeping in the truck.

At any rate, its now mangled because of the vice grips. Maybe its just one of those things that I had to walk away from...

i would gently go around and almost crimp that piece in towards the head of the plug. that will clear it from the sides it is touching and hopefully get it out.

I might be able to get some needle nose in to do that. There's not much clearance because of the manifold...

that would probably work. i would definitely suggest taking a breather before going back to trying it. always seems to help.

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Apparently my barley and hopps are equal to Popeye's spinach. Couldn't do any good with the needle nose, that metal is just too springy, but I went at it again with the vice grips, and out it came. And I have a new busted knuckle, but we both knew that was going to happen. :D Thanks for the quick responses!

no problem, happy you got it out. if anyone asks about the knuckle just say the truck bit you

I have a 96 with a 5.0 and don't remeber dealing with those "sleeves" when changing the plugs. What purpose do they serve?

The only thing I can think of is a heat shield for the plug wire boot. My new plugs are in, so I'm going to run it a while before putting on the new wires to see if I have any melt issues. Oddly, only the two cylinders closest to the firewall on each bank had them.
