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Vacuum Line Replacement / Lean Bank


Active Member
April 22, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
  • P0171
  • P0174
  • Possbile Bad EGR Valve
  • Bad DPFE Sensor
  • Large EVAP Leak


So, after getting the check engine codes I pretty much have 5 codes I'm dealing with. After looking around under the hood I have noticed that the DPFE/"EGR Valve Pressure Feedback Sensor"(NAPA) does need to get replaced. Looking more, the orange VAC Line is cracked and broke off in various places along the route of the line.

My main problem is the vac line has completely broken in places so I'm not sure where its supossed to run to. Any insight?

Also, I have a few questions. The DPFE Seneor, as you can tell is broke, would it also possibly set off the code for a possibly bad EGR Valve? I'm thinking yes, but correct me if I'm wrong.

My next question, is could all that being wrong also cause the Large EVAP Leak?

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Fuel vapor management valve

I don't know about your OHV V6 but on my SOHC V6 the vacuum line in that area goes to the fuel vapor management valve located under the battery compartment. The broken vacuum line could be the source of your EVAP leak and your lean codes.

The broken pre-orifice DPFE sensor hose could be the source of your bad EGR valve code. I suggest that you replace the hose and then clear the codes before replacing the EGR valve and DPFE sensor unless it is physically broken.

The DPFE itself is physically broken. I was going to be replacing that, the DPFE hoses, and that vac line before I moved on to troubleshooting any further to see if that is indeed the root of all of my check engine codes.

I'll take a look under the battery compartment to see if I can find where that orange vac line is supposed to connect to.

Trying to get everything fixed before the end of the month so the vehicle will pass emissions.

I too suspect once you replace the 2 hoses the codes will disappear. If the lean bank 1 and 2 code persists it is probably the upper intake gaskets, which over time compress and do not seal well, causing vacuum leaks (been there). But again, fix the 2 hoses first. The hose to the DPFE sensor needs to be a high heat resistant hose.


Replaced the DPFE Sensor today, and the vacuum line going to the fuel vapor system under the battery compartment. Rerouted the house to keep the "hard plastic" away from the engine heat a bit.

The orange hoses coming off the DPFE are "Silicon Vacuum Hose". The guy at NAPA said they would work; but I'm going to keep my eye on it and make sure the hoses stay in good shape.

I have noticed that I do need to replace the radiator, some of my coolant leaks are slowly getting worse. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Transmission Fluid also runs through the radiator? It seems that I'm leaking two fluids, one is defiantly coolant, and I'm pretty sure the other is trans fluid due to the pinkish-tone color.

I put some Trans-Tune in the transmission fluid and filled up the ATF again. If the problems still persist with the flashing O/D Light and the hard shifting when it's on, I'll replace the control solenoid.

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