Valve body rebuild? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Valve body rebuild?


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
I am going to have a local shop do the valve body upgrades with the Ford kits, Superior Shift Kit, new solenoid and Sonnax boost valve.

I was wondering how much time it would take a quality shop to perform such work? and if it would be better for me to supply the parts or them to supply them.


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Anyone have any idea how long it took them to perform the valve body upgrades?

I would imagine a shop would probably charge 3 hours or so to remove the VB, rebuild it, reinstall it, and refill the tranny. That's a guess though. I think the labor rate JUST to do the FORD mod was like 1.8 hours...

Thanks For the info Glacier.

Glacier991 said:
I would imagine a shop would probably charge 3 hours or so to remove the VB, rebuild it, reinstall it, and refill the tranny. That's a guess though. I think the labor rate JUST to do the FORD mod was like 1.8 hours...

Chris, What is he Ford Mod?

Thanks ......

FORD has a TSB out on the 5R55E valve bodies. It includes removing the VB, eliminating the EPC pressure blowoff valve and removing the screen, replacing the separator plate with a modified plate without a hole for the stock blowoff, and then removal of a bore plug in the VB and replacing it with a modified one to allow pressure relief. I did the mod in the 5R55E VB Rebuild Diary.

As for the time I mentioned, I believe Eneurb said that his dealership was getting paid 1.8 hours on warranty, and that they charged something like 3 yp the customer when it was not warranty... someone would have to search under his name to find that exact post. [Note - for those not familiar, it is common that when a dealer performs warranty work, the mfgr pays them to do it. The rate of compensation is usually about 60% or so of what the dealer would actually charge YOU, if YOU were the one paying them. FORD has the juice to force a lower rate, you only have $$ <grin>]

Overpressure on that VB has been a major cause of blown out gaskets. This mod I am asssuming is directed to solving that problem. Transgo has a shift kit that accomplishes this is a dofferent fashion but makes the FORD mod unnecessary. Superior's shift kit addresses the problem electrically by giving you a ballast resistor to splice in. Of the 3, I think I prefer the FORD mod. If you are not having problems, I am not sure I'd do it, but sure as heck would if I had any reason to be in there!

superior shift kit

glacier, don't you think the electric gizmo from superior is to raise the pressure, they even call it a "pressure riser". and their literature implies it will raise the pressure about 5-10 lbs or so. the weak pump, vb, valves etc, all contribute to overall low system pressure so they are trying to boost it. as i see it, the epc is energized to lower the system pressure by blocking the full pressure flow from the pump. by adding a resistor they are lowering the power getting to the coil and allowing more pressure to come thru the epc body.
