Valve cover gasket replacement gone wrong!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Valve cover gasket replacement gone wrong!!!


New Member
July 27, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 explorer
A friend of mine replaced the valve cover gasket on my 1995 explorer. He claims to have taken it apart and done everything correctly. I DON'T believe him because the truck started and drove before he touched it now it will start up make a hissing noise like and turn off. It sounds like a leak maybe vacuum hose, but it WILL NOT maintain idle. Anyone ever have this problem?

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Obviously something he did wrong. Hissing to me would indicate some kind of vacuum

Make sure that all the vacuum hose(s) are hooked up to the air intake tube (depending on what engine you have).


Big vacuum leak... Is the brake booster vacuum plug in the brake booster???Or the PCV valve line attached to the PCV valve? Those are the 2 lines I can think off that would cause the vacuum leak and the running problems you have...

Yup, definitely a big vacuum leak. He probably left a line off somewhere (or broke one).
