Virtual Technologies Boxes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Virtual Technologies Boxes


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2001
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City, State
Santa Clara, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT 4x4
Hey guys,
I've been hearing about the virtual technologies boxes, but i can't seem to find their web site or much information about them in general.

These pretty good boxes or what? Do you like them?

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are you talkin about a box for subs that is already made? or some kind of computer artificial intelligence module? because if its a box for subs, making one or getting one made to fit the specs of the subs are prob more desirable.

The name of the company is actually Virtual Technologies. I was wondering what people think of the boxes they make.


do you have a website or anything for these boxes?

ha, that's what I'm tryin to find! I've just heard of these guys through the grapevine a little bit, I've searched our threads and there isn't much about virtual technologies boxes. but of the people who actually have one, it seems like they're satisfied.

does anyone anything about these boxes?

on the other hand, anyone know of other web sites that sell good boxes? The only one i really know of is

any other good ones??


its best to get boxes at places by you like best buy, circuit city, etc because of shipping
