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Weird Spark Plug Break - not the usual kind


New Member
June 5, 2014
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer Limited 4.6
On the 4.6 3v anyone ever run into the threads and hex piece breaking off, but everything else staying intact? Man I went 5/8 in changing plugs (73k miles). One broke the usual way and I got it out with the Lisle tool, but two look like they got undressed for the evening and took off their threads and hex. No idea what to do now. Any advice is appreciated.

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Thats a new one by me lol... maybe try one of these screw extractors? We have some snap-on brand ones that go from 1/8 all the way to 1 1/2" they work damn good for broken bolts/screws just have to drill em out first :-/

Thats a new one by me lol... maybe try one of these screw extractors? We have some snap-on brand ones that go from 1/8 all the way to 1 1/2" they work damn good for broken bolts/screws just have to drill em out first :-/

Thanks. Man this is going to be a mess tomorrow. If this thing ever runs again Ill be shocked.

Thanks. Man this is going to be a mess tomorrow. If this thing ever runs again Ill be shocked.

lol its a ford you cant kill it... those are damn good trucks... I have had 16 vehicles... 2 explorers and a town car... those 3 fords have been some of the most dependable vehicles ever... my 06 has 127k on here and I wouldnt hesitate to drive her cross country

Ok quick update for anyone having this same issue (hex and threads coming off and leaving the "naked" ceramic plug behind), I took a mini pry bar and applied just a small amount of sideways pressure to the terminal as close to the top as I could get. the plug quickly snapped. Same amount of pressure you would need to break a frozen Popsicle in half. Electrode was still in the head, so I used the pry bar to center the plug, giving me room around it to insert needle nose pliers, grip strong and pull. It takes a little effort to pull it out, but again does not take much force at all. It now looks like a "normal" break. Next step is the lisle tool to get the rest out.

Got 'em out with the Lisle tool just fine.

Got 'em out with the Lisle tool just fine.

good to hear. I have a 4.0L... but I understand the mustang 4.6L engine is fitted with "two piece" plugs in the 4.6 between 06-10. Their manual for replacing the plugs is exhaustive and includes liquid wrench, engine warm-up, and a series of de-torquing methods. I followed the procedure once and still broke one off. If they are the same plugs in your Explorer, I recommend replacing the plugs with a different brand.

I used the motorcraft 514 model plug. I think they may be 2 piece but I put nickel anti sieze on them to hoprfully help the next pull. Will change them out sooner than the guy I bought it from did (i.e. never). Its a nice vehicle. Can live with the wonky plugs. Just takes alot of patience and pb blaster.

I had 2 of 8 come out this way. I used a flat screw driver to break it at the base then used the Lisle tool to extract the rest of it. Make sure you use a vacuum or something to suck out all the pieces after you're done. When I did my plugs, only 2 came out intact. It was a looong afternoon...

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