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The bed extender P/N is Sport Trac specific, but it appears to land 2-3" shorter on the tailgate than the Ford pictures I've found.
Doesn't matter, the wife is happy with it...

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The bed extender P/N is Sport Trac specific, but it appears to land 2-3" shorter on the tailgate than the Ford pictures I've found.
Doesn't matter, the wife is happy with it...

I wonder if that extender is for a 2007 and up Sport Trac. It does fit oddly. Besides being too far forward, the rear uprights are too far apart. They should sit in the square recesses.

I found a bed extender on craigslist for $50 a week after I bought my truck. No mounting hardware, and missing one locking pin. I rigged up a pin using a (too long) carriage bolt, washers and double nuts. I don't use it often, but it sure is handy at times. My '01 has a fiberglass lid, and the extender works well hauling a lawn mower on the tailgate. I bought an F150 extender a couple of weeks ago off CL again, for $20, hoping to get the pin I needed. I made the deal without seeing it and the seller brought it to me at work on her way to work. Ad said it would fit some Sport Tracs too. The F150 extender is an entirely different shape, but it fits my ST. Pins are different, and the rear uprights are spaced like yours. I didn't ask what year/model F150 it was from.

Can you read the part # on yours? My ST extender has a scratch on the label right across part of the part #. From what I can read, it looks like the same part # as the F150 even though they're different styles.

The black one is the F150 extender. I'm thinking the part # on the label is for the label, not the extender. Doing a search using the # on the label brings up a number of different bed extenders.The black extender is much lighter weight than the genuine ST extender. But it fits, and that's what counts. Well, that and it was $20. I'll move the rear supports towards the center sometime.

101_2546 (800x600).jpg

Yesterday, mostly out of boredom, I finally got around to trying to clean up more of the paint, mastic and tile grout out of the inside of my ST's bed. It's the last of the nastiness left over from the PO. Last fall I found that Napa's brand of paint stripper worked pretty well, but required the use of rubber gloves and rinsing. This year I tried lacquer thinner on a piece of terry towel. I was afraid it would eat the ABS plastic, but it doesn't seem to bother it. It's a slow process, but I do a little each evening after dinner. So far I've got both sides, the tailgate, about 1/2 the front panel and the last 6 inches of the floor cleaned up pretty well. I'll save doing the rest of the floor under the rubber bed mat for last. I'm not trying to make it perfect, just trying to get it to be mostly one color.

@Fredness where did you find the hardware for mounting the bed extender? i have one but i recently broke the sliding pin found on the corner that locks the bed extender to the truck. the site where i originally found that hardware no longer carries it. any info would be really appreciated.

Sport Trac got new jnjectors, some valvetrain mods and a new intake.
Test drive tomorrow...


I had a 01 F-150 supercrew and the bed extender would fit my ST but was a little longer. The ST one would fit the F-150. The F-150 would not flip over when the factory bed cover was on the ST. It was the same color and design. What was funny was my ST came with the F-150 one in it and when I bought one on CL for the F-150 it was actually for a ST. I swapped them and then it would flip correctly.

This F150 extender fits and flips just fine. I don't have a factory cover, but it would work fine with one. The center supports just need to be moved inboard to sit in the recesses like they should. I do have to spread it a little to snap it on to the pivots on my '01, but the extender could be sprung a little. Or it could be the truck. I think I have to spread the ST extender a little as well - more on the '01 than the '02. I think I like the locking pins on the F150 extender better.

Repacked the front wheel bearings, and replaced one, on my son's 2WD Mountaineer.

Loaded the F150 5.0L FlexFuel injector profile in the latest tune and all the issues at 1/2 throttle+ are gone.

Runs great, test drive was nice except the trans won't leave gear unless I get off the throttle.
Looks like 70,000 miles is the service life of valve body separator plate gaskets.
I'll make a custom one out of the updated bonded plate this time and thread lock it this time...

Rewrote the ST tune to include the 2014 F150 FlexFuel injectors, flushed the radiator, and found a vacuum leak left over from the valve train "freshening" last weekend. The red line that goes to the passenger side valve cover is for the ventilation in the dash (AC was blowing out of the defrosters only :( )

Got my 3 of my Fords together and fairly clean in front of my garage for a picture. White one will be my son's when he gets his license in a few months. The Expedition is the family hauler and tow pig. The red one is my toy, more planned for it.

Engine cleaned, wiring straightened and made some zip-tie plug wire separators for the LiveWires.
[Now, where did I put those flush end wire cutters...]


Aired up the tires from my offered trip 2 weeks ago... 12psi to 36 takes a while in 35s.

Hard to believe it's been that long since I've driven it.

I haven't been working on my truck much lately, ive been renovating my workshop, painting and changing, putting in a long awaited beer cooler! Washing machine for cleaning oily clothes and towels and gloves, I dont know how many pairs of gloves i've thrown in the trash because they've become just too dirty, now this will be a thing of the past and save more $$$ for the explorer!

This first pic shows how the garage floor had become, the rest are of the progress over the last few weekends

I coated the floor with epoxy primer, two layers of epoxy coating and 3 topcoats of clearcoat for a shiny and easy to clean result






Nice clean shop with a refrigerator next to the desk! My kinda' place!

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