What do I have done wrong here for wiring my deck, pic inside | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What do I have done wrong here for wiring my deck, pic inside


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July 16, 2001
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99 Explorer Sport
93 Explorer, Pioneer deck with wiring harness along with proper adapters/harnesses to connect.

The deck has power, will takes CDs, I can press play but no sound.

Wiring harness



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The amp turn on lead is not hooked up. It is the blue wire with the white stripe. If your CD player harness doesn't have a matching blue /w white wire then hook it to the ignition lead (Red wire i think).

Sorry but if you don't have an external amp or a power antenna, leave the blue wire alone.

If I'm thinking right the grey adaptor is to the vehicle and the 2 black are on the HU. Correct?

FireZapper said:
Sorry but if you don't have an external amp or a power antenna, leave the blue wire alone.

If I'm thinking right the grey adaptor is to the vehicle and the 2 black are on the HU. Correct?

His X is an Eddie Bauer so he is probably going to have the premium sound system with the amp. Even my XLS had an amp.

If that is the case then the blue wire will be hooked to that. If you hook it to the red you will fry something. The blue sends power when the unit is turned on.

I'm thinking you do not have speaker wires going to the vehicle. What HU do you have and what brand adaptor?

FireZapper said:
The blue sends power when the unit is turned on.

Right. So does the red wire, only when the ignition is turned on. It is the next best thing since the harness for his CD player doesn't have the amp turn on lead.

I have the premium system, the one with the sub in the back.

I have the harness that came with the deck, and theres a blue that was suppose to be on that adapter but it was cut right at the plug where it goes into the deck. I have a Pioneer DEH 1600 (just like the one that was stolen from me)

So should I go get another headunit adapter?

The wiring harness I have is the following :Best Kits

EDIT: I've left all stock wiring for the speakers.

Hrmmm, can't I just put in my amp bypass and be done with it?

i have a 93' also....the premium sound sucked...so i wired erything myself?.....most wiring kits come with a unit that is "supposed to hook up to that little black connector that goes to that dumb ass jbl amp..."...well from experience it doesnt work...does it look like a small black box with wires coming out of it?...if so your wiring unit is probably not compatible with it....although u might get power to your deck...your speakers wont play because the amp is getting any signal or juice from that stupid black connector...cut the damn thing off....go buy your own amp and rewire everything yourself....will save u half the time rewring it than trying to figure out something that is never gonna work....i know this is the problem because it did happen to me.....i hooked up focal speakers in my doors...and a pbx 15' sub in the rear with 2000 watts goin throught the damn thing and it slumps just fine....

What I'm saying is, rather than try to get a power line hooked for the amp, I'll just put in the bypass unit - and call it a day. The most this truck will ever have in it is the aftermarket deck, stock replacement size speakers, and *maybe* years down the road a stealth box. thats it :)

I think if I just put in the amp bypass, she'll be done.

Just run the bypass. If you want sound without the bypass then connect the blue wire.

Wow, does that system ever sound shiatty with the bypass done and the stock speakers left in. Normally an aftermarket HU makes the stock speakers sound a bit better, but thats just YUCK.

Maybe I'll buy a new harness with the blue wire and not do the bypass....until I get aftermarket speakers.

Also, you shouldnt run the stock ground location. The manual for EVERY aftermarket stereo explains this. You should always ground to the chasis. I have seen not doing this cause several problems including burning up wiring for taillights being comon on GM's. Most aftermarket head units even have the ground wire with a terminal on it so there is no excuse for not doing this properly.

ive installed 3 stereo's in explorers and have never not gone thru the harness to ground it. And they have all done just fine.

my point is that is going through the harness. this is a bad practice, ask any pro

91-94 (non-JBL) = 1)bypass the factory amp with either a bypass harness or rewiring the speakers 2) integrate the factory amp with an adapter. below is a pic of what we use at Best Buy. if you try hooking up the speaker leads without the box and think just turning on the factory amp will work, well it won't.

premium sound system interface (Install Edge IECPSI2)

the amp bypass (Scosche FD07B)
