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What is going on with Kazaa

The RIAA is suing a kid at my school. His name is Joe Nievelt and he set up a program that allowed users to search the network and find songs and then pull them off the network. His personal colletion had about 1900 songs, pretty small compared to some people. His search allowed for access to about 650,000 songs, movies, etc. The majority of the material available on his search was completely legal for trade, and was compliant with Fair Use policies.
The RIAA has sued him for 98 Billion dollars. A high profile lawyer who specializes in copyright law has taken his case for free.
IMO its completely stupid, Joe set up this network for ethical and educational use, it is not his fault that people used it poorly.


Michigan Tech University

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I hope they don't get away with it. This thread just reminded me all about Kazza. Now I'm downloading a bunch of stuff.

I was watching the news the other day and Apple (MAC) has a program now. You can download one song for $.99, no not $1 but ninety nine cents :D

They can fight every KazZa, Napster, etc, etc, but for everyone they take out, 2 will come back. Sort of like the saying, 2steps forward, 3steps back. They wont get anywhere

You know, the music industry, along with hollywood would make so much more money if they lowered their prices some. I mean 10-20bux for a CD is kinda expensive espically when some artist only have a few good songs on it anyways. Same with hollywood, sell dvds for 10bux ill buy lots!

We all know how music CDs are, less than .10cents in come cases w/ rebates! So they should sell CDs for $5 (I think). They probally would be getting more money anyway.

What they should do is a test. For one (1) month sell cds for 5bux each. Then at the end of at month see if they made more then they did before. I bet they would be making more, but thats my opinion on the matter.

PS: $1 a song is still too much, maby $.10-25 cents would be better. You know their going to keep raising the cost, just like our taxes :( Well im out...

This thread made me get rid of Kazaa, They had to many pop up adds anyways, it was always a pain in the @$$. I do agree that cd prices need to come down around $7, i'd have a ton of them, but at $15 a cd, there is no way i can afford only a couple a month.

theres nothing wrongwith using kazaa to get a song if only want one song. they must be smoking rack if they think ANYONE is going to pay 20 bucks for a cd with 1 song they like on it.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I bought a new, full priced cd. Before I started downloading from Kazaa I would buy used cd's from a small chain here in S. Ontario called The Beat Goes On. Does the 'recording industry' benefit from these used cd shops? Nope. In fact years ago Garth Brooks made a stink about his cd's being re-sold...which was about the same time his career went into the toilet.
Is file sharing the same as your friendly neighbourhood used cd shop? In my mind yes. When I buy a used cd, the artist and the record company doesn't see a cent. When I download a tune, the same thing happens.
Will an industry mandated lowering of the sticker price on new cd's mean I'll run right out and buy a new cd? Not likely. But that's simply because I don't find anything out there right now is worthwhile...hey, for me rock music reached perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact*

*quote attributed to Homer J. Simpson

I just disabled the message function on Kazaa. No threatening messages are coming to me :D

For the record, AOL (the actual corporation, not the users) publicized that just turning off the message function would make it impossible for them to send you threatening messages :)

Someone should just start talking to the RIAA people when they message you, and tell them that 'NO ONE CARES!!!' Theatening messages eh? What is so threating about the message, anyone know??

Delete kazaa NOW!!!!!!

Delete kazaa NOW!!!!
Kazaa is crap adn uses spywear to enable thrid partys to look at info on your computer.. move all of your shared files out of kazaa and delete everything to do with it. then go to kazaalite.com or shearch kazaa lite if that site does not wotk. kazaa lite was mad by a free lance org taht removed the spywear and ad-wear(those annoying pop-ups). download and install then read the readme file for instructions on seting it up..

your welcome and have a nice day.

I have a question. I always hear everywhere that spyware is bad, and delete all this stuff with spyware. But, in reality, do I really care if someone else can see my computer? Why?

Originally posted by diablo5969
But, in reality, do I really care if someone else can see my computer? Why?

In theory if you have files on your computer and allow people to download them, you can be charged for allowing access to copyrighted files. You really dont want to deal with it, trust me. Quite a few people at my school have been busted, and its not something you want.

k i didnt spend any time reading all of the posts, but listen to this and take it all in younge grasshoppers

they cannot individually sue a group of people, they would have to sue kazaa as awhole. and furthermore its ILLEGAL to SELL songs without proper authorization. NOT ILLEGAL to GIVE it away, they cannot ant willnot sue individuals.. me personally im going to share as many music, movies, and software programs as i can.

Things that ARE ILLEGAL, generating CD Keys or selling them for software. selling copies of CD's for money and then taking rights from Recording companies...

just tell em to eat your shiat.. they are just a bunch of petter puffing feirys that think they are all hard cause they got money and lawyers... personally i could care less if they tried to gain access into my house to make sure i have the CD's for the music that im listening to.. and if they try a shotgun will be waiting for them.. first of all... i lost the CD.... stole outa my truck or house..... my friend is borrowing it i forgot which one.... it broke and i threw it away... they cant sue you for it trust me they are just trying to scare the little guys.. most of the music i DL sucks anyway and ends up getting deleted.

Originally posted by Raceit
I don't know if this was mentioned before since I just skimmed through what I missed.

But I use KazaaLite. No spyware. I highly recommend it.


yeah i got spyware on my CPU does anyone have a program that checks for it? if so ill get it offa ya on kazaa! and if it is spyware and it is proven to be spyware you cant get busted for it because you have plausable deniability. in otherwords you can say hey im not a fukin computer genious like you nerds! :cool:

OH and this SHOULD BE MOVED to exploring everything under the sun.. this isnt really a car audio topic.. more like a personal computer **** machine dling program :D

I deleted KazaaLite a few weeks ago. I've been using it for so long (I agree with all the posts here about it being the best damn download program I've ever seen), but I just wanted to take the precaution anyways. Has anyone using KazaaLite gotten messages? It KazaaLite safe to use vs. Kazaa regular? I'm going through download withdrawls... :D

First delete Kazza, then run a program called Adware from www.downloads.com it gets rid of all that stuff, then get kazza lite. I dont know if Lite is better, but it sure dosent slow my computer down, no more pop ups, etc, etc, I for one like it...

Screw kazaalite.com's kazaalite, it sucks.
You want KazaaLite from http://doa2.host.sk
They have a huge codec pac with DivX 5.0.5 Pro, and a bunch of others, kazaalite with the K++ extension.
When I'm not using bearshare, its kazaalite... its rocks.

but where exactly are all the bare naked ladies??


Is their website down or something? I can't get to it...

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screw the RIAA

It seems like just a scare tactic to me. If cd's were not 18.99 I would buy them.

They can try and sue me but all they could get is what they already gotten from me 0!!
