What?!! Just bought '07 Ex w/21k -Undercarriage Severly Rusted?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What?!! Just bought '07 Ex w/21k -Undercarriage Severly Rusted??


July 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Mpls, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT V8, 2007 Ltd. V8
Ok some of you may have read my previous posts where I was having problems figuring out why my '02 kept killing and chugging intermittently on the highway- no shop could figure it out. Pretty much gave up.

I decided to buy another one- and picked up a 2007 Limited with a V8 and towing package, 21,000 miles. Bargained the dealer down to $23,875.

Carfax was good, orig. owners, got recs of service/oil changes regularly, but saw the trans had to be flashed due to a bumping feeling upon stopping. Was a bit concerned about that, but all you guys out there thought it wasn't a big deal. As advised, I did ask them to flush the trans.

However, when I got there (250 miles away) to buy, found a few things not quite right, biggest was the starter sounded horrible, apparently wasn't properly disengaging from flywheel, and I told them I wouldn't buy it unless that was fixed. I agreed to pay for 1/2 the repair. Fine.

Other issue was they told me it hadn't towed anything, just a bike rack, yeah right, good one, saw lots of gouges where the safety chains go...hmmm. Also, salesman told me it had the B to B warranty for another month- wrong- it expired the weekend I bought it. Errr.

Ok I've had it for 10 days now, and today is my appt. at my local dealership for a few fixes (seatbelt, check brakes, replaced cracked taillt, loud exhaust, slight hesitation when cold). I told them I suspected it had been towing something, maybe a boat due to just having had all rims replaced from corrosion (salesman told me this when I picked up)- so I asked, what problems would that create, and he said better check the rear diff fluid. So we did, and it was milky and dirty.

Then they put the truck up on the hoist and were very surprised to see SEVERE rust underneath, on everything- exhaust, fr and rr brakes/calipers, thick coating of rust on anything that could rust. They showed me the underneath of 2 Minnesota trucks driven 7 years with salt in the winter that didn't look 1/2 as bad. They also said there was no way the dealer didn't know this, there was even corrosion all over the starter area where they had just replaced the starter.

I called the dealership back- Charles Gabus Ford in Des Moines- beware- and they flat out refused to take it back. As I was explaining the issues, GM Jim interrupted me said "Let me make this easy for you, under no circumstances will we take it back".

Ok now I'm worried I have an expensive time bomb! What on earth would make it rust that bad, so fast? Did they get it stuck off a dock? in the ocean? for a week???

What else is going to go wrong if this vehicle was submerged? My dealership suggested changing the front diff too, but what about all the seals, electrical, etc?? Is that why the starter sounded so bad? Is that why the brakes are poor? Is that why the exhaust is loud? man I feel like throwing up over this deal, I'm a single mom with a special needs child, I can't afford this- I thought I had checked everything that I should, but never looked underneath a 3 year old vehicle. I got had. :(

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks. Darcie

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Well, let's pretend I was bored and emailed Jim telling him his dealership was reviewed on the internet. I then pasted a link to this thread.

Go to Gookin Ford in Story City, IA next time ;)
Dewy Ford is decent too.

Stay away from the Ford Dealer in Ames, Iowa fyi...

Edit: Have you checked any Lemon laws? I think you have 30 days by law in Iowa...

Well for one, being shipped overseas could do it, other than that, I don't really know. i have a donor ex that went through Katrina, but it has a lot more evidence than a little rust.

are you able to take any pics of it?

I just filed a complaint with the BBB, don't know how much good that will do, but I am prepared to file a Court suit.

I am so disappointed in Gabus Ford and their GM Jim Bintner, feel free to email him some more!! Oh and his direct ph# is 515-270-5502, in case you have any questions about how he runs his "Big Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Care" dealership.

If I lived closer I'd picket them or camp out in their lobby. Maybe my Iowa relatives can do that in their free time.

I didn't have my camera with me today, but I could easily bring it back to my dealership and have them lift it up for me. Plus I do have the typed documentation from them about the "severe rust everywhere".

Say the word and next time I make a delivery out that way I'll bring the noise. I sing a mean "Henry the eighth I am I am"!

If your really going to take action then take this advice with you.
Get tons of pictures. Get written or typed statements from your shop on letterhead testifying to the severity of the corrosion. Also get pictures of any contaminated or "milky" fluids. Not in the pan already, evidence in the truck. Get professional counsel for buyback support. Get moving fast. The buyback laws differ place to place but aren't usually too forgiving on used vehicles.

Next time you buy a used car get it inspected no matter what. It's really worth the free to $100 it may cost you to get it inspected. I hope you get this worked out, Darcie. Good luck.

Rusty '07

I bought an '07 XLT this past june and about a week ago I noticed it was suddenly bouncing around while driving. I found a leaking rear shock. I also noticed a lot of rust under the rear of the car. I figured ford is still making them the same way as they always have. I have a '95 as well and just replaced the rear shackles that were rusted completely thru. I only noticed the shackles, because I was changing the shocks. I live in NY and I found that new chemicals are in use for ice conditions and they are wreaking havoc with untreated metal. I will try to get you more info. Rust to some degree is normal, rotors always rust as well as any other metal. I also recommend using a car wash with under carriage option to get the salt off.

FYI MN state law requires a 2 month or 2500 mile warranty which ever comes first on used cars w/ less than 36,000 miles sold by dealers. Your car also has a 5 year 60,000 drive train warranty and a separate emissions and rust thru warranty. Good luck

I purchased a pre-owned 04 Explorer a while back that had been undercoated. There is rust on some of the metal parts under the vehicle, break calipers included. Those parts are metal and are exposed to rain and snow during the year. Dealerships are not responsible for rust when it is an act of nature that causes it. Most of the underneith of mine looks descent still because of the undercoating that was applied to it. Maybe that's something you should do to it to clear up some of your frustration.
