What should i do first!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What should i do first!!

Hey guys.. i have a 98' X sport and i need some help on what modds i should do first. This is my first car so i want to do everything right. I was thinking doing the K&N air intake, Flowmaster exhaust, and headers from explorer express. but i'm not sure on what to do first, should i do performance over looks or looks over performance?? If anyone can help me out that'll be great thanks

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Here's an update i'm thinking to do motor work first so here it is.
*K&N Air Intake
*JBA headers and catback exhaust system
let me know wat u guys think

Here's an update i'm thinking to do motor work first so here it is.
*K&N Air Intake
*JBA headers and catback exhaust system
let me know wat u guys think

I would look at a MAC intake instead; just as good and a lot less expensive.
Next, I would definitely do a cat back exhaust with 2 1/2 inch pipe.
I would not do headers at all unless you force feed.
The next logical step would be a computer tune ( SCT XCal2 ).
Underdrive pulleys and an e fan are also great mods.

Good luck and keep us posted.

should i do performance over looks or looks over performance??

definitely performance over looks(unless your ghey). the 4.0 sohc isnt THE best motor ever made, and when you mate it with a 4500lb vehicle, it doesnt help the situation, BUT it is a pretty damn good motor (until they hit 125-150k and the timing chains start giving you issues and making lots of noise.. but thats another topic....:mad: ) and i can tell you first hand, it will kick the crap out of a chevy 4.3 vortec. so keep it a sleeper. besides... if someones car performs better than yours, then you can just say, "dude, its my mom's grocery getter" and if you win... you can say, "haha you just got beat my mom's grocery getter". its a win win situation:D good luck

Hey guys.. i have a 98' X sport and i need some help on what modds i should do first. This is my first car so i want to do everything right. I was thinking doing the K&N air intake, Flowmaster exhaust, and headers from explorer express. but i'm not sure on what to do first, should i do performance over looks or looks over performance?? If anyone can help me out that'll be great thanks

Contact me if interested! I carry all the parts you are inquiring about and will put together package deals (CAI,Exhaust,Tuning,etc....)

and yea i'm going performance first i'll keep u guys updayed as soon as i can

Alright guys heres an update
*MAC intake
*MAC exhaust
let me no wat you guys think and if you no what else i can do to gain some power let me no thanks

hey guys hows the flowmaster exhaust? witch is better flow or MAC let me no thanks

I sell both, although not a big fan of Flowmaster I like the fact that you have a 3" mandrel bent system ready for bolt on with the MAC.
Tuning is always good and don't forget the underdrive pulley. Later you can get a C&L maf and a 70mm throttle body. I offer all these.-James

Do you offer all of thoes on that hensonperformance.com because all i saw were tuners? i am interested in that exact same setup, but all i want is a muffler for now. what are prices?

Do you offer all of thoes on that hensonperformance.com because all i saw were tuners? i am interested in that exact same setup, but all i want is a muffler for now. what are prices?

Sir, email me for pricing and available parts. Noted in my sig the website is under construction so I can still get what you need. I will send you a secure link to order through my shopping cart. Email or call me.
205-531-0598-leave message if no answer

ok james i'm going to e-mail you
