What type of engine oil to use in a explorer 93? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What type of engine oil to use in a explorer 93?


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August 26, 2008
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Explorer 93 XLT 4X2
What type of engine oil do you recommends for a ford explorer 1993 6 c engine 4.0

Somebody tell me to use 0w30 insted of 5w30 Because of my high percentage of short trip city driving

What do you think about it?


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Actually I think the '93s called for 10w-30? Does it say 5w-30 on the oil cap? I would go with 5w-30 unless you're running synthetic. And cost wise it's not really worth running synthetic unless you're going to do extended oil change intervals.

The specification for the first gens was 5w-30...a lot of people are using 10w-30 though since most of the motors are old with high mileage.

Not all of them. I had a '91 that called for 10w-30.

I personally would run 10W30 Motorcraft or Valvoline MaxLife Synthetic Blend...AWESOME additive package, especially 30PPM's of moly which is great for high mileage engines. Both have AWESOME extended ODI's (extended oil drain intervals which is indicative of a high quality motor oil).

I'm running regular 10W30 Valvoline in our '99 explorer (which calls for 5W30) that has 217,000 on the odometer.

Doesn't matter much, though...only difference in 10W is the start-up viscosity...10W30 and 5W30 are the same oils/same protection (30) besides the start-up numbers (5 and 10).

I run 5W30 Motorcraft in my 99 Ranger 4.0 91K miles just because I guess. It's what it has always had.
