Whats your (Vista/7) Windows Experience Score? And PC Specs? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whats your (Vista/7) Windows Experience Score? And PC Specs?

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My Photoshop, Illustrator, and Pinnacle Studio 12 programs run much slower than I'd like on all my Intel CPU machines. Yes I have +2GB memory and even 3.8 GHz Cpu's. Would a Pro Mac be more suitable for these intensely graphic demanding programs ?????

well perhaps your processors are the bottle neck... which processors are you running? there's a lot more to a cpu than just the ghz rating, you should look at something with a larger cache for running graphically intensive programs (for example a 3.5ghz cpu with only 1mb of cache is going to be much easier to bog down than a 2.1ghz processor with 4mb of cache).

same goes for ram, kind of. 1gb of high quality (read: expensive...) ram will usually be faster (generally speaking) than 2gb of cheap ram.

if i were you i'd look into what processors your motherboard can accept... an i7 or i5 (or i3 or core2duo or core2quad) will be a huge improvement over a pentium 4 for example.

My Photoshop, Illustrator, and Pinnacle Studio 12 programs run much slower than I'd like on all my Intel CPU machines. Yes I have +2GB memory and even 3.8 GHz Cpu's. Would a Pro Mac be more suitable for these intensely graphic demanding programs ?????

Do you have a dedicated graphics card? Alot of programs now days will use a dedicated graphics card to do a lot of the processing which puts less strain on the cpu and divides power and tasks more evenly through the system. If you have a single core cpu, it really doesnt matter how much memory you have, the cpu is the bottleneck. like warlarson was saying, an upgrade to a dual core cpu(if you dont already have one) is a good investment along with a dedicated graphics card.

I was rendering photos in autocad for a class project and the school computer wasn't that bad, but it had single core processor and integrated graphics. i had a 8800gts dedicated graphics card and dual core processor, so i was able to render images literally 10-20 times faster.

I bet you just need a graphics card. which is a whole lot cheaper than a mac.

video card might not do it.

i used a core2quad with integrated graphics and when i upgraded to this gtx 260 and core2quad, there wasn't real difference except when gaming/editing hd video. photoshop and the like ran basically the same.

thats not to say it wouldn't help out in his case though.

Custom built
Windows 7 64-bit
AMD Phenom II x4 955(3.2GHZ)
1TB Western Digital SATA2 hard drive
8GB G.Skill DDR3 PC1600 RAM
750W Thermaltake power supply
Media Drive
Hauppauge PVR USB2 TV card
Logitech Z-560 400watt 4.1 THX speaker system
Asus 19" 1650x1080 LCD monitor and two CRTs.

I wanted to put a ATI Radeon 5850 PCI express GPU in it but they were sold out for months when I was building the computer and I've been unemployed since they came back into stock. So I'm stuck using the integrated ATI HD4200 which is holding me back so my score is only 4.6.

What motherboard do you have? 4.6 seems really really decent for integrated graphics.
