Wheel help!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel help!!!


November 10, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Gainesville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Sport Trac Ltd 4x4
I just bought a new 2010 Black Sport Trac limited 4WD. It comes with the factory 18" chrome wheels that I am not particularly a big fan of. I have been trying to find some wheels (machined and black such as XD addict or XD hoss) that will fit. I don't want an all black or chrome wheel. I am having a very difficult time finding a wheel that meets this criteria that will fit. I would be willing to go anywhere from 17" - 20" if the wheel looks good. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Here is JoeCool's before he sold it - JoeCool6972

17-20"s is a big range - try to narrow that down. Also, deciding on what kind of tires you want is a pretty important part of deciding what wheels you should get.
Looking for wheels in general is a pretty ridiculous process. Basically go to local shops or stare at the computer for hours going through all the online wheel websites.

I want to get a little more aggressive look to the truck. Ideally I would like to stick with 18's (with 265/65/18 BF Goodrich or the Goodyear Wrangler Slient Armours) but am not having very much luck finding an 18 with the right lug pattern and offset. I found a website that sells OEM rims (not new but they said they would tell me the condition) and wondered if anyone has any experience with them. I am thinking about buying the rims that came on the Ironman edition.


I can't figure out the link thing. Any help on that would also be appreciated.

Searching "nextwheels" on google also works. It is a sort of online program that lets you see your vehicle with whatever wheels that store sells.
I use the "tire-fac" one just because of the large selection of wheels:
You can change color, lift/lower, tire diameter/type. It doesn't give a 100% accurate representation, but that's the internet.

New Black Grille and Wheels on my 2010 Limited

I wanted to thank everyone for their input on my previous threads about these two modifications. After much searching and money I bought an ironman grille and had it painted black at a local body shop ($500 total).

I had a hard time finding wheels that I liked that had the right bolt pattern and offset. I lucked out when the Fuel Wheel manufacturer had an 18" blank wheel with the right offset that they drilled to the right bolt pattern for the Sport Trac. Otherwise I would have had to go to 20's and really didn't want to do that. So I bought 18 x 9 Fuel Gauge wheels and put 265/65/18 Bridgestone Deuler AT Revo 2's on them ($1800 out the door for everything including road hazard). Merry Christmas to me! Anyways, here is the result.


Looks nice! I would've gone for different tires, but it's a great looking ST overall.

Thanks for the comment! There are so many choices on tires and I wanted a semi-aggresive looking tire that didn't significantly increase noise. I had Dueler AT Revos on my last Sport Trac and they did me well. I don't do much offroading, just towing out of sand boat ramps and beach driving. We'll see how these do. They don't ride as smooth as the factory Michelins but I was willing to sacrifice a little of that for the look.
