Wheelin 4 Toys at KRPP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheelin 4 Toys at KRPP


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September 2, 2007
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Wheelin 4 Toys at Kansas Rocks Recreational Park, Dec. 11th.
Bring a toy $5 and get access to the park for the day.

There is some information on the KRRP site but you have to be logged in to see it, but if you want to register to get a t-shirt or sign up for guided trail rides then this is where you need to go.
I am considering signing up for the guided trail guides, just to learn more of the trails at the park as it seems no one knows where their going there.

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I'm in,and it's for a good cause!!

i'm down, if can get out of work this time. :mad: We all could use a good level of guidance down there.

While I won't wheel, I wouldn't mind checking it out if I get time;)

Edit: If there's a class one that won't tear me ex up, I might wheel.

Man this event looks to be cold BRRRRRRRRRRR :D

Man this event looks to be cold BRRRRRRRRRRR :D

That's why you ware your winter clothes,and use your heater.

Guided tour would be cool!!! I'm going to prerigister.If we can get a head count,I'll know how many to say is going. Or we can go with another group to make a full tour so as not to waste guides.

So I'll register the 1st of Feburary and count all those that say there in. and any that can come after that are more than welcome. I'll register as Explorer 4x4.com/Mark Sparks If that's ok???

I've looked but does anyone know if there's a trail I can drive my stocker on without beating it up? Otherwise I'll just give Yellowford a bunch of toys I have an he can donate for me(if you don't mind).

That's why you ware your winter clothes,and use your heater.

Guided tour would be cool!!! I'm going to prerigister.If we can get a head count,I'll know how many to say is going. Or we can go with another group to make a full tour so as not to waste guides.

So I'll register the 1st of Feburary and count all those that say there in. and any that can come after that are more than welcome. I'll register as Explorer 4x4.com/Mark Sparks If that's ok???

Sounds good to me but if you wait till February we may miss it by a little bit:p:.

I've looked but does anyone know if there's a trail I can drive my stocker on without beating it up? Otherwise I'll just give Yellowford a bunch of toys I have an he can donate for me(if you don't mind).

About the only thing you could do there in a stock 3rd gen without having an opportunity for damage would be the main road that goes around the park. You can come down and hang out, sure there would be open spots to ride in other trucks if you wanted to. Fine with me if you just want me to take toys down as well.

Sounds good to me but if you wait till February we may miss it by a little bit:p:.

I meant dec. but they want it by dec.1st so I'll do it before then. lol!

Limited come on down and hang out. you can ride along with Joshua and I. And I'm sure you can jump in with others also,IF anyone else comes. Right on for at least sending down some toys with Levi!!!!


Just mailed out my registration, also signed up for the trail guides under the moderate grouping.

Sounds like fun-- I have a Christmas Party in Emporia that Night, but I should be able to make it!

Bumping this to the top since its this weekend, who else is still planning on attending besides me and Flip4ford, Mark are you still coming.

I am a 50/50 now my mother in law was admitted to KU med center. I would really like to go though.

I am a 50/50 now my mother in law was admitted to KU med center. I would really like to go though.

Man take care of bussiness at home.

Man I know why my ears were ringing!! Yes I'm still on board with wheel'n!!

Looking forward to a nice relaxing day bouncing around in the woods!!!:D

What time are we going to meet there at??? CB CHANNEL???

I won't be able to come, have a few things to do around the house. I am looking for all the toys I had in a sack, if I can find it, I'll meet with you(yellowford) before you go.

The thing that sucks is my parents house is on the way, they live in Mound City, KS and I wouldn't mind stopping by.

Take a lot of pictures and update this thread after!!!

Hmmm, I would like to go. Too bad its on a Saturday and I will be working.

Hmmm, I would like to go. Too bad its on a Saturday and I will be working.

Does that mean the Explorer is driveable now, we need to go wheelin at tuttle pretty soon if you do have something wheelable.

I won't be able to come, have a few things to do around the house. I am looking for all the toys I had in a sack, if I can find it, I'll meet with you(yellowford) before you go.

Sounds good

yup, it runs like a top. A top with 186k miles on it. But yeah, its going great, no problems at all. Hit me up sometime, I am free after 3:30-ish saturdays and all day sundays. And you are more than welcome at my house. That will give me an excuse to recruit you to work on the Ranger, lol...

Although from what I hear your new rig might out-wheel my X. We'll have to see. :D

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Just finished loading up all the trail gear and tools, looks like its going to be a cold one especially since my blower motor decided its going awall.

yup, it runs like a top. A top with 186k miles on it. But yeah, its going great, no problems at all. Hit me up sometime, I am free after 3:30-ish saturdays and all day sundays. And you are more than welcome at my house. That will give me an excuse to recruit you to work on the Ranger, lol...

Although from what I hear your new rig might out-wheel my X. We'll have to see. :D

I can probably make it out there in January sometime to do some wheeling and maybe help a little with the ranger:D.

Its a decent wheeler but your rig has done some stuff it had no place being lol, and will easily keep up if not go past.
