Where can I get driveshaft speed sensors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where can I get driveshaft speed sensors

June 29, 2008
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Eastpointe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer
Where can I get the 2 drive shaft sensors for my 99 explorer 4.0? Are the on the transfer case or differentials? Does anyone know exactly how to trouble shoot them with a multimeter? Anybody ever replace them? What's involved.

Sorry for so many questions.......but I'm a newbie.

Been wrenching for years on motorcycles though.

Thanks Matt

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The 4055 transfer case house two drive shaft speed senors (Hall effect). They rarely go bad but one of mine gave erratic readings and was replaced. Go to the trans forum and search the diary on this transfer case. Lots of pictures, you'll see both sensors.

4055? is that a typo? I thought they were 4405's?

I looked at that before I asked questions.....and this is what threw me off, he sadi and I quote

"That is the gear for the vehicle speed sensor. That means this is a 97 or earlier because in 98 they eliminated that in the TC and put it on the rear differential. (I have done my homework!)"

since mine is a 99 does that mean they are on the differentials then? I wish the vehicle was here right now....I'd go look but it isn't.

Yes a typo. The speed sensor you refer to above is for the speedometer. Yours is housed in the rear differential. You should find a wire coming out the top. The Hall effect sensors are housed in the transfer case. Its how your "auto" function decides when to engage the front drive shaft. It looks for a difference in rotational speed between the front and rear drive shafts, such as the rear wheels spinning. The GEM then engages the front drive output shaft in the TC via the brown wire.

yep the ones I need to check are the ones that watch the drive shaft....mine is going into 4 wheel when it shouldn't....I had to unplug the wire harness from the TC. So they are on the transfer case?

Ok how do I check them? Are they inexpensive? Maybe I'll just replace one and see if it stops if no one knows how to troubleshoot them.

Look at Glaciers thread again. What you are looking for are what he calls tone rings and Hall effect sensors (proper terms too). In post #6, the last 2 photos show a tone ring in the front of the case. You probably can ignore this. What you are after is in the back half of the case. See post #12, photos 9,13,15,and 25. These are the Hall effect sensors. The provide TC output shaft speed data.

These rarely go bad, but both of mine did. Fairly easy to change and not too pricey. Trouble shooting is another story. Requires a very expensive code reader for the trans that even all Ford dealers may not have.

Why do you think this is your problem? What is your Ex doing? Do the brown wire mod or simply disconnect this one wire and 4x4 is off.

Sorry, still at work so my response is intermittent. The GEM controls this case but it getsinputs from several other computers and sensors. Even more relays are involved. None are esay to trouble shoot without the proper scanners. We may be able to find the likely problem though with a detailed ex[planation of your problems and a little general trouble shooting.

Read your other thread. Izwak is mostly correct, except I still doubt its the sensors. It could be though. The sensors are Hall effect sensors. The tone ring is metal and has teeth, or high and low places. Electrical current runs through the solid state sensor (essentially a wire and piece of metal) and creates a magnetic field around it. As all wires carrying current do to some degree based on the amount of current. As the tone ring spins its teeth through the magnetic field it alters the magnetic field and therefore the current running through the wire(sensor).

The GEM (located behind the radio, see Brown Wire Mod thread) sends a signal down the wire, through the sensor and back. As this current fluctuates the GEM interprets speed of the TC output shaft. It then compares this to the other sensor for the other output shaft and determins slip and engages 4X4 when the dash switch is set to Auto.

It engages 4X4 via the brown wire. It sends current down the brown wire that energizes an electromagnetic clutch (the ball ramp device in the TC sticky) at a varying duty cycle. Turn the dash switch to 4X4 and it just sends essentially a 100% duty cycle.

Now the bad part. Thats not the only way the GEM determines front and rear axle speed. It also is tied to the ABS computer and a couple others. To determine exactly where the problem is you need to hook a NGS or WDS scanner up and read the PIDs (inputs and outputs).

I had a similar problem 6 months ago, only my auto 4X4 Auto wouldn't engage. After much trouble shooting and failing to secure an NGS scanner I could operate, I went to the Ford dealer. Some dealers don't have them and many that do can't operate them correctly. Luckily Galpin in LA , the largest Ford dealer in the country, does. About $750 later my TC worked. Bad GEM (rare), and one Hall effect sensor reading erratically(not so rare according to the tech). The GEM had an open ABS circuit.

When any sensor fails or doesn't match the other redundent info (ie. ABS) the GEM should default to limp home mode and deactivate the 4X4. This is to prevent mechanical damage. Since yours is stuck in 4X4, my guess is a bad GEM. $319 locally but thats just a guess. Guessing is all that can be done without those scanners.

I would determine the value of fixing the 4X4 before a trade. Our vehicles currently enjoy very little resale value. I would probably just locate the Brown Wire (see BWM thread) under the drivers seat. Its easier to be sure you have the exact one, in my opinion, and disconnect the 4X4 there. You can drive it and not through any codes. You just won't have 4X4 ever, regardless of the switch position on the dash.

Thanks for all of that.........

Does anyone know where and how much the sensors are? I mean there just hal effect sensors right? What about $20-$30 each? If they are more than maybe I won't bother.

I'm trying to weigh out my options here. I just want to sell this for $3000 and buy a mini van for $3000-$4000.

Anybody know?

The sensors are available from your local Ford dealer. My girl friends nephew borrowed the Explorer for a vacation so I don't know the exact price. I think they aren't bad. Your $20-30 price seems about right.
