which lift gates are interchangable? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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which lift gates are interchangable?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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City, State
Deering, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Mounty
I have a 98 mountaineer. I found a cheap 96 lift gate, waiting on pics through email. If it is the older style that is just flat across, does it fit at all? looks like the tail lights wont line up along with the top of it. So, pretty much all of it. But I'm not 100% sure if 96 is the old style lift gate, cant find any pics of the back of a 96 explorer, lol.

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Sorry to say.... I do not think it will fit properly.
The best thing to do is call a local salvage yard and ask them what years will fit properly.
I notice you are in New Hampshire

This salvage yard is located in Plaistow/Newton N.H.
They are about 65 miles from you.
If you want to make the haul it will be worth it!! I know their price will be very low. I also know that they will have one that will fit.
I snoop around there quite a bit.
Brandy Brow Auto Salvage
Toll Free :1-800-292-1149 | Local : 603-382-2416.

They will tell you what year vehicles will work for your 98 Mountaineer.
They check it on a computer.
Good luck;

the gate will fit i think, you'll just need to swap over to 95-97 tail lights. 91-97 gates are the same except the 3rd brake light

It'll fit like a champ. You'll just have no provision for a license plate anymore. Plus the tint will not match and the side trim will look a little funny.

But it will bolt up and line up perfectly. But I would still find a 98-01 replacement.

So I could put a '98 or newer lift gate on my '97 if I also bought '98 or newer tail lights? Always thought the newer body style lift gate would look better but figured it wouldnt fit.

98-01 are all the same liftgate. News to me that 95-97 will bolt up to 98-01. It would look screwy though since the lights wouldn't fit and the bumper is curved more on the 98-01s. And the license plate deal too.

Personally, the rear wiper is so piss-poor on the 98-01 design I'd rather have my 95 design back where it actually works.

Thanks for the info guys. I'll see if I can find one like mine I guess at a cheap price we'll see.

also, just the glass isn't interchangeable, right? looks like they are a different shape.

also, just the glass isn't interchangeable, right? looks like they are a different shape.

According to Hollander these will fit, there may also be more. Hollander lists parts that are only exactly the same.

EXPLORER 98-00 heated (w/wiper), w/privacy
EXPLORER 01 2 Dr (Sport)
EXPLORER 01 4 Dr, exc. Sport Trac; heated (w/wiper), w/privacy
EXPLORER 02 2 Dr (Sport), thru 3/3/02 (wiper on lid)
MOUNTAINEER 98-01 (privacy)

Hope this helps.

any second gen lift gate will bolt on however you may need to change taillight to match as mentioned before

Rear window glass has to stay with the style gate you have. The 98+ has alot of curve in it vs the pre 97 is flat. That why the wiper works better on the pre 97.

Although if some one want to donate to me a pre 97 glass I'll be sure to try it:D
