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Which shocks should i go with? Need help

Stock shocks actually limit the down travel of your suspension so you dont rip up cv's every 2 weeks

Oh, so it's safe for me to remove my front sway bar then and I won't have to worry about my CVs because my shocks will take care of that for me. :rolleyes:

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Oh, so it's safe for me to remove my front sway bar then and I won't have to worry about my CVs because my shocks will take care of that for me. :rolleyes:

just to be clear the sway bars are on each side that attach to the a-arms. have 2 bolts on the with bushings?

and wouldnt this be really dangerous because it would cause mad body roll?

just to be clear the sway bars are on each side that attach to the a-arms. have 2 bolts on the with bushings?

and wouldnt this be really dangerous because it would cause mad body roll?

The sway bar is the bar that is connected by the parts you just described, but essentially, yes. The parts as you described them are the sway bar links.

The body roll definitely increases without them. The level of danger is mostly determined by the nut behind the wheel.

The sway bar is the bar that is connected by the parts you just described, but essentially, yes. The parts as you described them are the sway bar links.

The body roll definitely increases without them. The level of danger is mostly determined by the nut behind the wheel.

well this nut hehe should leave them attached!
should i do the max lift ones or just the regular ones?

I'm not sure I can really say which you "should" get but I have worked this front end to it's max with 35" tires and the regular ones have worked just fine. Nobody has really given a reason why they know the others would be better for a torsion lifted truck and I sure haven't seen anybody run both to make a logical comparison. I can really only offer my experience with one of them to this point. If I'm doing it wrong, I'd like to see some evidence though.

I know that doesn't really answer your question, sorry. The kind folks at Rancho may have a solid reason why you would want one over the other. They did design them after all. I just didn't take the effort to make that call.

I'm not sure I can really say which you "should" get but I have worked this front end to it's max with 35" tires and the regular ones have worked just fine. Nobody has really given a reason why they know the others would be better for a torsion lifted truck and I sure haven't seen anybody run both to make a logical comparison. I can really only offer my experience with one of them to this point. If I'm doing it wrong, I'd like to see some evidence though.

I know that doesn't really answer your question, sorry. The kind folks at Rancho may have a solid reason why you would want one over the other. They did design them after all. I just didn't take the effort to make that call.

thanks i appreciate it! i think i may go for the regular ones but will call first

Oh, so it's safe for me to remove my front sway bar then and I won't have to worry about my CVs because my shocks will take care of that for me.

Ummm, YEA it is....... ;)

what was the part number on the rancho 5000s and the sensa tracs?

what was the part number on the rancho 5000s and the sensa tracs?

swshawaii provided this info on page 2:

The standard Monroe Sensa Trac shocks are notoriously soft and cushy.
Using them in the front would be a complete mismatch with the rear 58617
Load Adjusting shocks that are known to be very firm. The logical choice for your
TT front would be the Rancho RS5374 Maximum Travel shock made for up to 2.5" lift.
Any height you gain in the front would be due to your severely worn front shocks.


So to answer your questions:
Rancho - RS5374
Monroe - 58617

Any wonder how the OP's simple question turns into a three page, 51 count thread? :scratch:
Stock shocks actually limit the down travel of your suspension so you dont rip up cv's every 2 weeks

Any wonder how the OP's simple question turns into a three page, 51 count thread? :scratch:

No kidding. And I basically deleted a thread yesterday because there was no input offered on peoples opinions on how they would ideally set up a one ton front and rear suspension, which I actually have in my possession, not bs'ing about pipe dreams or best shocks, tires, etc. Oh well, here's another useless post to help another shock thread along...:rolleyes:

Any wonder how the OP's simple question turns into a three page, 51 count thread?

I dont know who told you that your sway bar limits your down travel, but i will agree with you if it makes you feel any better......;)

Do me a favour tho. Next time you have your front end on stands and your wheel off, undo the bar pin on the bottom of your shock and see if the LCA drops.

(this is assuming you have stock length shocks)

The point is that removed, you're suspension is allowed to truly work independently of the other side. Trust me, I've spent my share playing with this suspension. I had the sway bar removed for a couple months, replaced before going back to the trails based on my observations. You're welcome to crawl under yours and see why that might matter. I've also completely rebuilt my entire front suspension with all HD parts besides the LCAs. It's been on stands plenty.

I'll leave mine connected. Thanks for the concern though. I think I'm getting all I can out of this IFS. I'm not going to get into a pissing match about it. Do as you please. My recommendation is to leave it attached. Take it as you like.

No kidding. And I basically deleted a thread yesterday because there was no input offered on peoples opinions on how they would ideally set up a one ton front and rear suspension, which I actually have in my possession, not bs'ing about pipe dreams or best shocks, tires, etc. Oh well, here's another useless post to help another shock thread along...:rolleyes:

that is funny i was thinking i just checked back (im the OP) and i was like 53 commetns!!!! ahha. but i think this was very useful.
i am for sure doing the rancho 5000's (not sure if the lift ones or not)
and i am for sure doing the sensa trac load adjusers in the back.

i will putting these on a truck with a TT, shackles/ AAL. and if i cant fit the 33's i buy under it i will put on a 1.5" bodylift with KAZERS assistance. so as far as i know and have gathers from all 53 comments is that this should be a pretty good set up and may evan give me an additional lift (i will post back once i put shocks on in march) and both these shocks should have plenty of travel and do good.

i plan to go back and edit the post once i put the new shocks on so people can see what the consensus was
thanks for the feedback!!!

Glad it has helped. I wouldn't have responded if I didn't think I could, or didn't want to help. Mostly solid advice in here. Look forward to your update.

Good to hear there was some "useful" info here. A follow up once completed would be appreciated.

Hearing what Rancho recommended for your setup would also be helpful if you connect with them. :thumbsup:

Good to hear there was some "useful" info here. A follow up once completed would be appreciated.

Hearing what Rancho recommended for your setup would also be helpful if you connect with them. :thumbsup:

will do. and i wouldnt have posted if i didnt want help :) thanks trac also for ur help. great advice for a noob

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