Which Tires for the WINTER?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which Tires for the WINTER??

Hey all,

So attached is a picture of the stock rims I use w/ Goodyear Wrangler RTS's during the winter. For obvious reasons I take the Cobra R's w/ the Toyo Proxes off each winter. This year I finally got sick of downgrading my look for half the year. I'm in the process of buying a brush bar and wanted some more agressive tires.


What is your choice of B e E f Y tire for good grip during everything from snow to loose gravel (for you offroaders) that would fit these stock 16's? Thanks guys!

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I have 265/75/R16 (32") Dick Cepek Mud Country's. They are siped for rain/ice traction. I love them, and they are awesome off road.

I've heard that BFG A/Ts provide good traction for snow, and i also know that Procomp M/Ts feature little holes in the tread that you can get spikes for ice, i don't know about any other offroad tires that offer that. And those both are pretty beefy tires.

You need to fit any tyre that has the M+S (Mud and snow) symbol on it. Most A/Ts and some M/Ts offer this. Personally, I use hercules Terra Trac A/W which are an A/T, specifically designed for winter conditions and they are M+S rated. Haven't actually used them in snow, but they are good in muddy/clay conditions, ao I'd imagine they are good in snow too. 265/75/16 is the size you want, or maybe even a bit smaller, like 265/70/16.

Cool thanks for the input guys.

I might also add, are these commonly used all terrain tires? In other words, not hard to come by? The more common the better.......I know thats kind of a strange requirement but its kind of important thank again lemme know!!!


BFG A/Ts work fine in snow. They have the snow flake on mountain symbol. Which means they conform to a slightly higher standard than just plain M+S tires.

I run Hankook Winter iPikes. They're fantastic and I got them for an excellent price.

Bridgestone Deuler AT Revo

Awesome tires, I picked them up last December, they are awesome year round tires. Great on dry, wet, snow, gravel, pretty much any surface. I didn't get much driving on ice last winter so I cant really help you there. But driving in fresh snow, I never had to go into 4wd with these tires. It wasn't much snow, about 6" or so but with my old tires, there is no way I could have done that.

Cool thanks for the input guys.

I might also add, are these commonly used all terrain tires? In other words, not hard to come by? The more common the better.......I know thats kind of a strange requirement but its kind of important thank again lemme know!!!

The only way to know if they are common in your area is ring a tyre place and see if they carry them.

I was really happy with the snow handling with BFG Longtrail T/As which were also good on gravel and dirt. Aggressive without much noise or decreased gas mileage and widely available, like at Sears, Big-O, Costco, Sam's Club.

I'm looking into the Hankook ATM RF10s. Have not found a bad review for them yet. Will more than likely be my next set of tires. I'll be running 255/70-16 (stock limited rims).

Bridgestone Deuler AT Revo

Awesome tires, I picked them up last December, they are awesome year round tires. Great on dry, wet, snow, gravel, pretty much any surface. I didn't get much driving on ice last winter so I cant really help you there. But driving in fresh snow, I never had to go into 4wd with these tires. It wasn't much snow, about 6" or so but with my old tires, there is no way I could have done that.

+1 for the Revos!

I had a couple sets of Revos before my current Nitto Terra Grapplers. These Nittos are awesome bad weather tires too. Stick well on ice and dig through snow. They just aren't as good as Revos on dry pavement. I'd recommend the either the Revos or the Nittos for winter use.

I again have to put in a vote for the Revo's!!!!

I've had them for a year now and I'm amazed at how good these tires are. They are awesome all around tires, but they really shine on slippery surfaces. We've been getting snow here in Seattle all week and these tires never let me down. I spent most of the week in 2wd because they have that much grip, and when I did have to use 4wd I got moving instantly, no slipping at all.

I will get these tire again in a heartbeat.

One more time for the Revos!

My F-150 came stock with the Wranglers...worst tire I ever had on a truck (my opinion of course).

Replaced with Revos and all was right with the world.
