Who sleeps in their Ex? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who sleeps in their Ex?

Who sleeps in their Ex?

  • I need my hotel with bubble bath

    Votes: 13 3.0%
  • Never thought of it, but would try it

    Votes: 83 18.9%
  • Have done it once or twice

    Votes: 224 51.1%
  • Sleep there every camping trip

    Votes: 97 22.1%
  • It's the only place I have to sleep

    Votes: 21 4.8%

  • Total voters
I haven't explained to my parents yet why I keep 2 comforters and 2 pillows in the back yet... think they know? Anyways, I usually sleep back there with the gf after parties. Granted, pretty much anything feels comfortable when your really drunk, I've probly never slept any better than when I'm back there.

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I haven't explained to my parents yet why I keep 2 comforters and 2 pillows in the back yet... think they know?

You would be surprised at what parents have figured out, and then again sometimes what they haven't when its staring them in the face. My guess is they have a good clue (at least your dad).

Me and my girl have been in the back of my Ex. but there wasn't much sleeping going on :D . It's pretty spacious with the rear seats folded flat. I probably would sleep in it every night if I could ... What can I say I love my Ex. :)

I took a nap, notice not sleep, last month... on a "camp out/retreat" with our guys from church... man, 30 guys surrounding a lake, 4 camp fires, and rain... i slept in my ex, only to wake up to a campfire right oputside it, with the smoke coming STRAIGHT in my hatch... i was a little upset... haha... oh well... i did get that one 4 hour nap in my 03 Sport before sellin it...

it was that or a cabin where the kids would be talking all night. It was a good choice, though not as comfy as the back of my dad's expedition

As of lately I find myself sleeping there as much as I do in my own bed. I take my naps in the X while I am on break from work (I work swing).

I have slept in the back of mine also... not by choice... but I guess sooner or later I would have been caught staying in the all girls dorm... and it was sooner.....

I have never slept in my X. But ii I were going camping, I would probably curl up in a sleeping bag in the back. Especially if it were raining. Would be better than waking up on wet ground.

i have never slept in my X, no room it's too full of amps and a huge sub box.

slept in my explorer once at east beach in RI, we went to birlingame state park to camp, and they were full so i bought a beach pass at the ranger station there and threw the tents up on the beach, a few in the tents a few in the x. good times.

I sleep in my a lot. I skipped class this past tuesday and napped back there for about 3 hours. Done that quite a bit.....Last May I camped out in the school (small private school) parking lot with a couple other guys, slept in the front seat then, wasn't as roomy as my friend's expedition, but it was nice, real comfortable.

I've never slept in mine, but I have in our old one. Once, after getting two flat tires in the middle of nowhere in the middle of night with a dead cellphone. Another time my mom was on the warpath and it was safer to sleep in the garage. I've also slept in it numerous times going on trips to Canada. when you're 18, it sure beats renting a hotel room! As a matter of fact, its late. I'm gonna grab some blankets and crash in the truck!

slept right next to the grand canyon. one of teh best nights of sleep ive ever had, not to mention waking up and looking straight at this...


I'm a mountain bike racer so I sleep in mine ALL the time.

I have a twin size air mattress that fits PERFECT between my sub and the wheel well...

Usually I have ALL my gear in there, from tools to clothing to extra tires/rims etc and there is nothing better then getting done with practice or something at a race and having to do NO setup to go to sleep...plus my tent is mobile :D The views are sick...

I'll choose the sleeping at the X hilton over a possible DUI or worse, hurtin someone with my overindulgence of spirits. Not that bad until you leave the sunroof open and it starts to pour rain sideways!

Originally posted by snocross1985
Me and my girl have been in the back of my Ex. but there wasn't much sleeping going on :D . It's pretty spacious with the rear seats folded flat. I probably would sleep in it every night if I could ... What can I say I love my Ex. :)


I was about to mention that out of all the things I've done in the back of my Explorer sleeping wasn't one of them.


Here's a pic of my ghetto setup, I keep my guns n ammo and stuff (I like to hunt) in the drawers and toss an air matress on top. I would've done it MattAdams style but I also have to put a dog carrier in there along with all the other gear and it would be a PITA to get to the guns.

I've removed the rear locking mechanisms to the point where the only way to open the lift gate is with a key or a lot of carnage.



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After puttering around in my COLD garage for a few hours I am cold! So I go out and start the X up, crank the heat up and recline and warm up! My X has the fastest warming up heater I have ever had! I will NEVER touch the thermostat until I have to!
Does that count???:D

None of the options fit me...

I like sleeping in a tent on the ground when I go camping. I wouldn't mind sleeping in my X though if I needed to for some reason... there's just not much room with my subs in there. I'd have to sleep on the back seat.

I slept in the drivers seat of an 04 Subaru Forester XT though... I took a week long trip to Vegas with my friend and his mom and her boyfriend... on the way back we slept in a rest stop in the mountains on a highway in Utah... It was surprisingly comfortable... That Subaru's darn nice too, and fast as hell :eek:

Yeah Kairo...It's too much of a pain in the ass to get a hotel room when you're 18, they always ask a ton of questions then make you give them a saftey deposit (which i rarely have). Screw you hotel people...i hate you.

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You're just not going to the right place I guess :)

Come to the hotel I work at, we at the front desk don't give a crap if you're 18 or 93, if you have the money to pay for the room and any damage, go ahead :D It's the housekeepers you have to watch out for though, they have been known to kill
