will 31/10.50 fit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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will 31/10.50 fit

I've got a stock '93 explorer and I have 4 31/10.50 r15's and was wondering if they will fit without rubbing and without a lift....if you know I would greatly appreciate the info. Thanks.

93 explorer 4x4 4 door

[This message has been edited by jody (edited 05-27-2000).]

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Jody- Steven is right! In the mainpage of this site there's a link Explorer FAQ. There's a column on TIRE OPTIONS ON '91-'94 Explorers and it basically said what Steven's reply was.

click here to see that page.

I have a 91 with b.f.31-10.50s kos no lift and I haven't had any problems with rubbing and I am really impressed with the way they perform and look!

I have a '92 4-door with 31x10.50s, and they fit fine with plenty of room. But, the place where I got them installed offered to "test fit" one on the front to make sure.


This is another example of it "might" fit. Our 1992 XLT (4 door 4x4) wasn't even close to allowing 31's to fit. With 150000+ miles on the suspension it was sitting too low. It really all depends on how worn your suspenion and can be effected by the backspacing of the rim, how close to 31x10.50 the tires are (not all tires are the size they say they are)..

After the 2.5" lift from James duff teh 31's fit great. Even with the suspension at full flex they would not rub. I wanted to test fit the tires (32") on our suspension but test fitting only tells part of the story. If you are going to do any wheeling you need to make sure they don't hit when the suspension is flexed. No tire shop here had a RTI ramp or even a loading dock for me to test them. We had to borrow 32" tires from someone else to try it.. We have slight rub when flexed but only on the inside of the fender (plastic) and the front bumper if we didn't have the custom bumper.

[Edited by Maniak on 06-06-2000 at 11:13 AM]

Funny, mine has 170K+ miles and badly sagging rear springs, and the 31's fit fine (just got 'em last week). Say, does anyone know a cheap solution to that driver side sag? I'm installing longer shackles, but I think that will only lengthen the problem (literally). I don't really want add-a-leafs, either.

