Will this lift/wheel/tire combo work? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will this lift/wheel/tire combo work?


January 23, 2009
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Guys ive got 2.25 inch spacers from BTF, and the 3" body kit, im doing the install of both soon... i have wheels that are 8.5 wide, they have 5" backspacing, ie 5 inches inboard, 3.5 inches outboard.... i really want to run 33x12.5s.... ive done all the reading and know the tire size wider then most run, but i have no idea how that wheel tire combo is going to do with the 5.25" total lift.... i want to get it right, i know i could/(maybe should) go with some tires closer to 32x10.5s, but really want some toyo m/ts, and smallest they come in is 33x12.5.... any advice, thanks so much..

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somebody told me the 8.5 wheel, pos 10mm offset, witch is 5.14" backspacing, ie.. 5 inches in, 3.5inches out, would rub like crazy, but that seem like would stick out further then stock... so im confused.. please help

That would certainly be a new setup combo that I've never seen before. Just looking at the numbers, it's hard to tell what if anything will rub. I can tell you the difference between what you're going to be running, and what my setup is. Assuming you're talking about the 33x12.50x16's, these are your specs (of course individual tires may vary by a fraction):

Stock Tire - 33x12.50R16
Section Width: 12.51 in 318 mm
Rim Diameter: 16 in 406.4 mm
Rim Width Range: 8.5 - 11 in
Overall Diameter: 34.02 in 864.10 mm
Sidewall Height: 9.01 in 228.85 mm
Radius: 17.01 in 432.05 mm
Circumference: 106.8 in 2712.7 mm
Revs per Mile: 611.4

What I'm running is 285/75/16's (also known as 33" tires) with the following specs:

Stock Tire - 285/75R16
Section Width: 11.22 in 285 mm
Rim Diameter: 16 in 406.4 mm
Rim Width Range: 7.5 - 9 in
Overall Diameter: 32.83 in 833.88 mm
Sidewall Height: 8.41 in 213.61 mm
Radius: 16.41 in 416.81 mm
Circumference: 103.1 in 2618.7 mm
Revs per Mile: 633.5

As you can see, the 33x12.50x16's that you're planning to run, are over an inch wider and over an inch taller. You are also using wheels with a very heavy offset of 5". My backspacing on the DC-1's is -4.03" so they do stick out past the wheel wells, which push the tires away from the suspension components so they clear. Yours will be pushed out another inch, however your tires are also over an inch wider than mine, and over an inch taller.

You have the right amount of lift for 34" tall tires, whether they will rub or not is the question. And I'm not talking about rubbing on the fenders at full turn (that much is a given....they WILL and you will do minor trimming), but rather rubbing on your control arms or knuckle assembly because of the width.

You did order 16's and not 15's correct?

thank sir, that is some good info, i have not ordered the wheels yet, already have the lift, havent ordered the wheels/tires yet

You will have to trim the rear of the fenders but not where its visible. It's fiberglass where youre gonna have to cut. If anything you might need to get some one inch spacers
