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Window SCRATCHING?!?!?@@#$!


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March 14, 2002
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123 Fake str.
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 1996, 5.0

I own a 1996 ford explorer 4-door, 2wd, v8, pwr windows etc... I have had the car for the past year and it is in very good condition (only 57,000 miles). I take really good care of the car and i work hard to keep it in good condition (well, except the carpet). Its that on the two front windows, there are two scratch lines running up the entire way. The two scratch lines run about 5 inches apart right down the "outside of the car" window (so if i had tint, it wouldn't be scratching that). The scratch marks are worse on the drivers side than on the passenger side. Its odd i noticed them right now becuase of the terrible sound it makes when i roll the window up and down. I've heard from people that this happend to others explorer and that it is kinda common. I was just wondering if it happend to anyone else reading this and wondered how they fixed it and how much time and money it consumed. Also does anyone know how much it would be to replace the two front windows (not that i am going to do it, i'm still going to tint them since the scratches are on the outside and the tint is on the inside)? Also one last request for you ford freaks is where can i get dual exhaust put on, and how much does it cost (like mineke or midas??@?#)?

Thanks much for your time and i would really appreicate a answer to any of my questions, the window one ESPICIALLY!!!

Also, sorry to ask soo much of you, but how the hell do i bypass the factory amp!!! its driving me nuts trying to get some decent sound out of the thing!!!

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It sounds as if there is a rock or something lodged in the weatherstripping on the outside of the window.... mine always get that after i go wheeling for about a week.

No, the windows stripping is clean i think is internal.

man has a lot of scratches on the drivers side window...i think it is dirt and rocks...cause i go mudboggin a lot through mud and sany gritty dirt and im pretty sure thats the cause.

maybe not the top piece...but there is some kind of crap lodge in some weatherstripping that is doing it.... dirt doesnt have to be visible to be abrasive

Muscles I have the same damn problem I haven't check for dirt or rock but when I had my door panels off for new speakers I didnot notice any. I am also interest in dual exhaust but it looks like you would have to ditch the undercar spare mount

it's not dirt or rocks in my case. There is a metal strip down on the bottom of the weatherstripping and it is contacting my rear driver's side wiodow and it hakes a horrable screech when the window goes down. i tried to stick a long screw driver in there to bend the metal away and it helped a little...get a flashlight pull the rubber weather stripping back and look in there.

My window did that too. There was a thread on it a while ago. Search for it because I think someone found a solution.

The best solution is to go to a boneyard and get a new window. Either that, or look for one on eBay. I don't think the scratches can be polished out. (They are too deep in my case anyway).

Of course, make sure you find whatever made the scratch before you put in the new window.

Originally posted by 95XLT
it's not dirt or rocks in my case. There is a metal strip down on the bottom of the weatherstripping and it is contacting my rear driver's side wiodow and it hakes a horrable screech when the window goes down. i tried to stick a long screw driver in there to bend the metal away and it helped a little...get a flashlight pull the rubber weather stripping back and look in there.

Thats what I did to my older sport. there was like a peice of mettal that is suposed to be inside the rubber strip, that worked its way out, or somthing like that. It was like a little lip. The door was repaired from a crash before i bought it but thats what it looked like in this case.

Mine were so bad there were 1-2" bands on each side. its another project me and my friend (who bought the sport) are going to tackle this summer

well to answer your dual exhaust question, you dont have to ditch the spare if the job is done right. I still have my spare in. I would say go to a couple local "no name" shops and get some quotes. I havent heard many good things about mineke or midas custom jobs. stop into the local shops and look at some of the work they have done. that should give you an idea of what to expect.

go to a couple local "no name" shops
I second that 100%. You will get a more professional job at a better price! They will also treat you better when/if the time comes to replace a pipe or two.

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