window seal removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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window seal removal


October 28, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Gaston, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 EB Sport 4x4
My outer window seal on passenger side door is messed up and it's scratching the crap out of my window. It has somehow gotten bent up and split exposing the metal inside. Can someone tell me how to remove this seal so I can repair the damage? Pics would be super if possible. THANKS IN ADVANCE

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They are held in with clips. Like so:

Remove the door skin so you can pry up on the inner one.

For the outer one you will need to be supper careful with the paint. (unless you are past that point) OR pry the outer one up from the inside, being careful with the glass as you will be prying against the top of the glass.

Should be able to pull them out with the glass in place, just roll the window all the way down.

Not done this on the Ex yet. but on a f150 you can get at the front clip with a long screwdriver and once you get the front loose you can grab it with your hand and yank it up and out.


Thanks brother. Do you just pull up on the seal to release the clips? I noticed on the rear part of the seal its bolted to the door itself. This is a Gen 1 Sport to clarify. I just got it and the seal touching the glass is mangled some.

Yep. lift up.
