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Winter Cliffs


Explorer Addict
August 4, 2006
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City, State
Downers Grove, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'14 Focus ST

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Don't forget the "Hangover Run" they have on Jan. 1st every year there.

where are they? ive never heard of them

about 2 hours from me. not bad. wonder if my truck is even worthy of something like that. lol.


I'll think about it. I'm saving for a tow rig right now so i can SAS... :shifty_ey


about 2 hours from me. not bad. wonder if my truck is even worthy of something like that. lol.

First time i was out there (with Kert) we saw a bunch of FJ cruisers, most of which were stock/mild mods. I can get through almost all of trail 1 in 2wd so as long as you have 4x4 you can have some fun.

I'd highly recommend extending your breather tubes and moving the intake up from the bottom of the headlight if you want to go though.

So is anyone planning on going? I'm trying to get my junk mobile again, and trying to make the "Hangover" run Jan. 1st...

I haven't wheeled in over a year, been busy fishing. Would be nice to get out and get the rig dirty again, and see if it still has some ooompfffff on the trails.

FWIW, I squeezed my lil' B2 through trail 10 a couple years ago, that was a tight squeeze! Don't think the Exploder willl fit though. :mad:

If anyone has made it around trail 1, then you can probably make it around 4 and 14 (green trails) without to much difficulty, and still have some obstacles/mud etc... Possibly even a few areas of the blue trails too, depending on gearing/tires.


If anyone has made it around trail 1, then you can probably make it around 4 and 14 (green trails) without to much difficulty, and still have some obstacles/mud etc... Possibly even a few areas of the blue trails too, depending on gearing/tires.


As long as theres not snow/ice on the ground. Last winter we were pretty much stuck to the creek area and the flat land areas, the back of the park was inaccessible.

yeah.... but i have a mini spool now, and no fear.... i think i can make it further this year :p but i want an ar-15 before obama signs a 2009 "assault" weapons ban ::rolls eyes:: so i gotta watch my budget.

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