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woops! light pole

well on the way to work i got sideways and tried to recover but was unable to in the iced over road to work and the horrible plow job with no grit or de-icer. but my bumper is totally bent beck in a v-shape and unable to by fixed at all. well anyway i ended up running straight into a loght pole and ruined my bumper. it is unble to pull out( i actually broke a tow rope) trying to bend it back a little, i also sledge hammered on it but no help, it is ruined to say the least.
but i can get a new bumper w/all the trim and brackets for $200 from a local junk yard(they will even pull it for me). but i need to know becuase it might be a do-it-yourself project on replacing it, but i need to know if there is anything i need to look out for and where the airbag sensors or whatever is and how to remove and replace them w/the new bumper.
its a 97' eddie bauer edition w/tan trim.

p.s. any pointers for this project to make it easier.

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Disconnect your battery 1/2 hour before you remove it. Cant trip the sensors if there isnt any power.

where are the sensors? are they just bolted into the bumper or how are they on there? i have no idea because ive never done this before.

how much of a "V" did it bend? you might have also bent the frame horns (where the bumper bolts to the frame). also, $200 for a bumper sounds very expensive to me. there is two bolts holding the bumper on both the drivers side, and passengers side. if you have fog lights, there is also a wire harness that you will have to unclip as well (not hard either). at worst case, i would say to unbolt one would take 30-45 mins, and that is worst case.

the v is almost in the center and if you look verticall stright down from the top it is almost flush witht he very bottom of the grille or the painted piece under it. it is a sharp "v" its not very wide. but it bent the corners of the bumper so that it sticks out on the sides what happens if i bent the frame horns, are they extremely hard to bend back with a little help from sledge?

btw- the bumper comes with the lower valence, top trim piece, and the chrome bumper and brackets. i didnt think that 200 sounded too bad for all of it together. lmc wants more then that just for the chrome piece alone. does that price sound bad? idk cuz i never had to buy one before haha

whoops u got pics of the damage
