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Wrangler Authroity from Walmart

So I did a lot of looking around for the right sized tires to get on my 2005 ford explorer xlt and got a lot of mixed reviews as to how big of tires I can get. Went to Walmart and bought the Goodyear Wrangler Authority tires and lets just say they are awesome. They really grip the road and handle great in the rain. Haven't gotten a chance to take it in mud or anything like that yet. Now to the good part. The tire size that i bought was 245/75/16 and the only tire that rubbed was the front driver side tire and it rubbed pretty good but a good shave down of the plastic wheel-well guard fixed it right up. If anyone wants to know how they look on an explorer let me know and i'll throw some pics up.

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I had a set of 31x10.50-15s and really liked them, you made a good choice in my opinion.

Yeah post some pics. Side, frontal, and rear please. I'm thinking about going this size and would like to see what they look like.

I'll try to put up some pics before work tomorrow. :salute:

Trying to find out how to put the pics up now


They are the walmart version of the wrangler dura tracs. I was at walmart and this one was on display so its the best picture I could get of it.

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