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Wrecked 2004 X

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Great buy if you wanted the drivetrain and interior.

Hell, if it had a more offroadworthy suspension, it would make a great chop-top wheeler!

alec what happened to ur ex?

Check out his signature. ;)

Sucks to be that guy. LOL. A lot of good stuff though to be had on there if you have the 3rd gen.

wow that sucks, someone did a big opps on that poor explorer...:( and i think the explorer lost the battle.

That sucks.....Would make a cool trail rig....be the only 3rd gen with a tube frame!

AAAHHH! Hold on, gotta check the garage......shew! Still there ;)

"The vehicles that we are providing to you, through eBay, are ex-corporate leased vehicles. What this means is that the vehicles have been used and driven by company executives, managers, sales persons, service technicians, etc."

I wonder if the driver is still an "exectuive" or if they got a nice little demotion for that?

I wish I had the time/money/knowledge to be able to buy cars like that and fix 'em up.

Say you found like 3 other 3rd gen explorers that you could chop up parts of the body... would it be feasible to weld them all together to get a full body?

Ie. take front end from one... middlish section from another and rear and from another?

I'm sure you'd have to use some body filler to compensate for cut gaps... but an 04 explorer for like $10-15k.... would be worth it. If you had that kinda time =P

Didn't they change it to 3.6 or something?

"Cosmetically-You can expect a parking lot ding or two, light rock chips to the front as all used cars have, may have some light scratches and/or an interior stain. Again these vehicles are all used not brand new. "

"Say you found like 3 other 3rd gen explorers that you could chop up parts of the body... would it be feasible to weld them all together to get a full body?

Ie. take front end from one... middlish section from another and rear and from another?"

hydroxy, it's done in body shop's around the world every day...i have been trying to talk my grandpa in to buying somthing like that and rebuilding it for cheap thenselling it..but i would become attached and could not sell it..i know it

unless you are keeping the car or doing the work yourself it is not worth much due to the salvage title

I thought all American cars came with the gas tank on the drivers side?

no..it's wherever the maufacturer(?) want's to put it..

the bronco 2 and jeeps have it in between the frame rails in the back.....

its basically wherever the manufacturer wanted it.....

fix it up my ass,
i would drive it just like that!!!!:D :D

A few garage bag windows and the "Ding King", and me with my elbow sticking out the drivers side window
saying to the ladys, "Ya i got the 04 payed off"

Originally posted by a1993eddiebauer
fix it up my ass,
i would drive it just like that!!!!

A few garage bag windows and the "Ding King", and me with my elbow sticking out the drivers side window
saying to the ladys, "Ya i got the 04 payed off"

:confused: :D :chug: :thumbsup:

I would pay to see that! Go drive it around up in Yuppie heights here. I'm sure that would thrill them!


^Yuppie Heights^


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