Wtb: 18" Sport Trac Wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wtb: 18" Sport Trac Wheels


New Member
December 17, 2016
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City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2009 Ford Explorer Limit
Hey there, just picked up an '09 Explorer Limited, in Black with the shiny 18" split spoke wheels.

Does anyone have a set of (4) stock Sport Trac wheels gathering dust in the garage like these they would be willing to part with?



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I can't see the image but do you have the machined 18" 5 V rims?

Ahh, yes. Can you see why I called the ones you are after a 5 V spoke. It looks like five Vs. Have you seen 20" adrenalin wheels?

Ahh, yes. Can you see why I called the ones you are after a 5 V spoke. It looks like five Vs. Have you seen 20" adrenalin wheels?

I think you may have me confused with someone else...not looking for the 5V wheels.

Ill trade you. Where are you located?

Hey there, just picked up an '09 Explorer Limited, in Black with the shiny 18" split spoke wheels.

Does anyone have a set of (4) stock Sport Trac wheels gathering dust in the garage like these they would be willing to part with?


The picture isn't coming through or I'm just too stupid to figure it out! :) My son has a 2007 Sport trac Limited and we are looking at selling the factory wheels and tires off of it for $600. The tires have about 60-70% tread left so they'll go for a long time. We have already ordered new wheels for it and should get those early this week. I'll take it over to a tire shop to have the new tires mounted on them hopefully this week and then his factories will be available. Email me and I'll send you pictures of them. jimanderson@mccleskey.com. Thanks.
