WTB 5.0 Torque Monster Headers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WTB 5.0 Torque Monster Headers

Blue Coupe

August 23, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Exploder 5.0 AWD
WTB 5.0 Explorer Torque Monster Headers

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Anyone see a Dodo bird around?

Used TMH are almost as rare. You need to be in the right place at the right time. I've never actually seen one of those WTB posts actually work.

As techie said, go new. Used are always pretty pricey when it comes down to it.

p.s. Find a set and I think you'll be the third person in Calgary with them (that I know of). Another EF member got a custom set done. I've got them in mine.

Are you putting a 5.0 in your Sport?

Indeed, I have been looking awhile for some headers, they appear to be rare.

My 1998 Sport is stock 4.0 OHV no changes planned.

I also have a 1997 5.0 AWD with a MAC Cold Air kit, 75mm MAF and Jet chip. I was thinking of a eaton M112 supercharger if I could sort out a "jack shaft" to run the SC fast enough (explorer crank pulley's are too small for a supercharger and proprietary one piece). The other option is a set of TFS 170 heads and slightly higher lift cam. Either way I need headers!

I just posted a message to get some "tech" on Ranger swap headers. They are 1/2 to 1/3 the price of the Torque Monsters, however I'm not certain they will fit.

I want some too, but I gotta get the set for the lifted truck... and I have no money haha

