WTH are these parts? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WTH are these parts?


Mad Scientist
Elite Explorer
March 29, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Orangevale, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer Sport
LOL, well, I've got a 2015 Sport and for a long time, I was under the impression that the Sport was identical to the PIU outside of the cosmetic and interior stuff. I thought the engine and drive train where identical. The Sport being a civilian version of the PIU, so to speak.

Turns out I may have been a bit more wrong than I thought. That's where you PIU guys come in. I met a guy with a 2014 Interceptor that came from Michigan and I got a chance to really look at it. As I thought, for the most part, its was mostly cosmetic/amenities differences. Shifter on the column instead of the center tunnel, etc.

Except for this stuff: I'm assuming its part of the cooling system (trans cooler?). I thought the Sport had the same trans cooler that the PIU had unless this is something different that was added by the local PD fleet shop after the fact...or is this something also found on the 2014 Sport and was a MY change made to the 2015 Sport? I know the Transmission cooler on the 2015 Sport is "integrated" into the radiator, so maybe that was the change to negate the need for this other cooler?



I'm intrigued...anybody care to elaborate?

Also, just to answer my curiosity for this different component. What is that box on the rear valve cover the PCV valve plugs into? My Sport doesn't have this either and not sure if it was a MY change or a PIU thing. I noticed the valve covers where metal compared to the plastic ones I have, which I think was a MY change made in 2015. I imagine that "box" is something for the emissions system, but anyone care to elaborate on that as well?


Thanks in advance...

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Isn't that your radiator or am looking at the wrong part?


Isn't that your radiator or am looking at the wrong part?

No, those are pics from the interceptor. You can see a portion of a cooler in front of the intercooler. My Sport does not have that.

The 2014 PIU has a trans cooler and an auxiliary trans cooler (the one you point out) that runs parallel with the trans cooler. The lines split and trans fluid goes to both coolers verse going to one then another.

The box looks like the vapor canister purge valve.

The 2014 PIU has a trans cooler and an auxiliary trans cooler (the one you point out) that runs parallel with the trans cooler. The lines split and trans fluid goes to both coolers verse going to one then another.

The box looks like the vapor canister purge valve.

Hmmm, I wonder if it's worthwhile to add that additional trans cooler onto the Sport...
