X Differentials-EXPERTS-What's Up? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X Differentials-EXPERTS-What's Up?


New Member
November 12, 2008
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So. Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT
Alright Ford Experts-what's the deal with the differentials (roaring noise) with 3rd. gen. X's? I've got one and I've read the latest TSB from Ford, replace the ring&pinion. Did Ford get ahold of a bunch of bad parts-or what? Also, it looks like a lot of 2nd. and even 3rd. failures AFTER dealer repair- techs don't know what their doing or what? Just trying to get a handle on the root cause of the problem BEFORE I repair mine!

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I have an 04 Limited 4.6 and have the same whining noise. I also have a weird binding feeling and sound when i turn.

had the ring&pinion replaced in my 03/s rear diff

That is common problem for 02-04... 05's every now and then.

How the Hell can Ford let problems like this go on for years? No wonder they need bailing out. Do you think Toyota or Honda would wait so long to fix this? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Ford hater, I've owned 5 in the last 20 years. 2 large wagons, a 5.7 Bronco, and 2 X's. I'm just pissed that they will let a problem fester for so long.

i can only guess - cost cutting , and outsourcing. all of the big3 will sometimes go to their suppliers and demand a 5% cut next year - non-negotiable or they will find someone else . . .so they cut corners or get canned.
