XLT with leather: Anybody notice the fake stitches on the door arm rests? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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XLT with leather: Anybody notice the fake stitches on the door arm rests?

Yeah, I don't mind the fake stitches on the door arm rests, or if it's plastic/vinyl/fake leather either so long as it is water proof/resistant. I don't mind it on the seats either, so long as it looks credibly like leather and not some cheap plastic imitation.

The leather seat already has wrinkles on mine after just 4000+ miles.

It's the same reason I chose vinyl siding on my house vs. wood or cement-fiber mix. Vinyl does not require yearly maintenance like painting. Just hose it down and you're done :)

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I'm fine with the fake stitching. I like fake stitching a lot more than wood steering wheels (JGC). That's just my opinion and not meant to incite an argument. :)

My Lexus IS has real stiching. My C-class Benz has vinyl ulpholstery. Regardless I can't get too excited about fake stiching.

It's fine, especially were water could damage open sticthed leather.

We noticed that the "Stitching" on the door armrest on our ex XLT with leather are actually "fake" stitches, meaning it's not thread sewed-in, it's molded as part of the door arm rest top layer.
Gives it a cheap feeling/look once you know the stitches are fake. Although at a distance they look real!:D

I am wondering if the limitedes also have the same fake stitches or did they just cheap out on the XLT's? :(

I'm out on this one....Really? I can complain about a lot of things, but wow.....Not going to bother me one bit......:rolleyes:

Real stitching? No thanks ........... The more wear on these areas, the more they will deteriorate and come apart. I'd rather keep it simple.
