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Y- pipe diameter?


New Member
October 3, 2008
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2003 XLT
Hello all I need a little bit of help. I got an e-mail from my wife saying one of the cats melted down. She let cool and restarted it and she says the exhaust sounds like its fill of quarters [brick must have grenaded] Now I would check this out myself but I am on a ship about 10,000 miles away and I need to order some replacement converters to be shipped to the house so when I get back for this deployment I can get it right. Thanks for your help and support.

03 XLT 4.0L V-6 (Flex fuel)

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I just measured it on my truck, it is 2.25" OD after the cat and 2" OD before the cat. Hope this helps.

My measurements:

After cat 7" Diameter / 3.14= 2.23
Before cat 6.25" Diameter / 3.14= 1.99

More info

Sorry, I guess I should have been a little more clear. It was the left bank converter that had the melt down. I want to replace both the right and left bank. and the main converter. I got a quote by phone for the Ford replacement...$1400!! Holy @#%& ! I figure I am good enough with a MIG welder that I can get some DynoMAX or Flowmaster 49 state legal OBD-II aftermarket. Just so I understand this correctly the pipes coming from the manifold to the inlet of the "upstream" converters are 2 inches (OD?) and exit the converters at 2.25 inches then merge into the main converter ? Like I said before I would figure this out myself but the Explorer is in Virginia and I am 12,000 miles away on an aircraft carrier in the South Pacific. Thanks again for your help. :salute:

Thanks JCUZ

Hey I think I am going to place that order now. That Y-pipe with the converters that they advertise is a 1/3 of the cost of the OEM Ford part. Thanks a lot man. :salute::usa:

Hey I think I am going to place that order now. That Y-pipe with the converters that they advertise is a 1/3 of the cost of the OEM Ford part. Thanks a lot man. :salute::usa:

No worries; though I didn't actually realise it was for all 3! Good luck with it.

How many miles does it have on it? If its truly a Cat and your under 80K....

"The federal government requires two other warranties. The Exhaust Emission Warranty covers corrosion-related parts for 2 years/24,000 miles, plus 8 years/80,000 miles on the catalytic converter and any on-board diagnostic device."

I know about the federal emissions warranty, however if my Explorer could sing it would sing..."I've been everywhere man...." It has about 150,000 on it and still strong except for this little hiccup. :salute:
