You found battery acid where? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You found battery acid where?


Active Member
October 24, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Chico / Thousand Oaks, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT 4x2
So I of the sudden about 2 weeks ago after almost a month of straight rain my power locks, rear defroster and the button the turns O/D off stopped working. I do all of the usual things like check fuses and relays but I can’t figure it out. So I break down and finally take it in to the dealership today because I wanted to make sure the O/D thing was not a sign of transmission problems. So I drop it off and leave, they call me back about 2 hours later with the results: the O/D stopped working because a fuse in the panel had just fallen out completely (my fault for not noticing that one), but this is the best part; when they were tracing the wires for the locks and rear defroster in the A pillar right under the parking brake pedal in that group of wires they found that the wire had been cut clean through by battery acid. They showed me the spots in there of battery acid and were it was all over the wire that it had just eaten through. No one has any idea how battery acid could have made its way there, under a plastic panel and through the carpet. Anyone have any ideas or seen something like this?

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Is not batt acid, you had a short or some bare copper wire, exposed to wet conditions copper forms green verdigris and corrodes.

spindlecone said:
Is not batt acid, you had a short or some bare copper wire, exposed to wet conditions copper forms green verdigris and corrodes.

exactly...its not rocket science...10th grade chemistry to be exact. Im surprised ford didnt pick that up in the beginning.

spindlecone said:
green verdigris

is that what that means?
There is a river named verdigris near hear, it is very green

That makes a lot more sence than battery acid. Is it best just to cut that part out of the wire, soder it back together and put heat wrap on it? what is the best way to get it off of the metal under the wires?

psymon said:
That makes a lot more sence than battery acid. Is it best just to cut that part out of the wire, soder it back together and put heat wrap on it? what is the best way to get it off of the metal under the wires?
Cut it back to good clean wire, solder, use shrink tubing.
A tooth brush and some simple green should remove the rest, on the non-copper stuff.
Some other stuff I have had good luck with is liquid tape, seems to work for me, good luck
