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Need info on vacuum ball/bulb/reservoir


Well-Known Member
June 30, 2004
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Houston TX
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99 5.0
To those who have replaced their HVAC vacuum reservoir, also known as the black baseball lookin' thing under the hood...where did you end up finding a replacement? Will the normal parts stores(Oreilley/Advance) carry these? How about online? I couldn't find anything on fastpartsnetwork. Thanks

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To those who have replaced their HVAC vacuum reservoir, also known as the black baseball lookin' thing under the hood...where did you end up finding a replacement? Will the normal parts stores(Oreilley/Advance) carry these? How about online? I couldn't find anything on fastpartsnetwork. Thanks

try these 2 members


they should be able to help.

did your tire get it?
If so, your maf intake may allow you to re locate it to inside the engine compartment-under the filter--

try these 2 members


they should be able to help.

did you tire get it?
If so, your maf intake may allow you to re locate it to inside the engine compartment-under the filter--

Thanks Jon, I'll PM them.

My AC stops blowing only under moderate acceleration and returns as soon as engine load decreases. It appears to be a vacuum leak and the reservoir seems like the first place to check out.

Damn, I just sent one to the junk yard. I didn't think anyone ever had to replace them.

Damn, I just sent one to the junk yard. I didn't think anyone ever had to replace them.

Bummer! I might just head out to a local yard and see what I can find.

You'll find oine there-and they will be surprised you want it-
find something else to pay for because they may just give you the globe--

my pick would be the control panel for the hvac

I am troubleshooting a similar problem, and it wasn't the globe.
I think my trouble is the hvac unit itself-the function switch is a vacuum switch

you can use a vacuum resevoir from many different vehicles if you want.

On my BII I completely removed it, it runs great! But it doesnt have any of that vacuum controlled HVAC stuff or all the emissions mumbo jumbo

the canister has a check valve built into it, it can only be hooked up one direction.

I took a dremel to the vacuum reservoir to find the check valve rolling around the globe; pretty weird as it fit back on pretty tightly.


we couldnt possibly put that little check valve on the OUTSIDE of the globe so it could be SERVICED now could we?

Ford engineering is great but sometimes I think WTF???


410, I'm still perplexed how the damn thing fell off without a significant jolt..... and putting the check valve on the outside would be WAY too logical, wtf are you thinking??? :nono:

The replacement globe ($18.00 shipped) from eBay has appeared to fix the problem. The AC is running great and the volume of air coming out of the vents never deviates. :thumbsup:

Where the hell is this damned thing? In the right front fenderwell is the rumor. And I'm thinking about cutting mine open and fixing it if it will last as while. Now that it's been awhile since the repair, how is is working now?


Where the hell is this damned thing? In the right front fenderwell is the rumor.


That is where it is at. It bolts to the inner fender lining. You have to pull it off to get to it.

Thanks, I just found a GREAT icture of it. I think I'll move the damned thing. That is just a RETARDED place to put it. Theres a good chance I bumped it real good when working the new radiator into place... that was also an experience. But thanks to THIS forum it was A L O T easier.


Awesome thread. I found my reservoir half full of fuel due to a failed fuel rail damper. Lol I felt/heard something rattling around inside when I was draining it. This thread answers my question as to what that was! I am having issues where the vents switched to defrost upon acceleration and when climbing hills. Now I know what to fix.

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