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How to: Computer Relocation in 1st Gen Explorer


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Ever since I removed the doors on my Explorer I have dreaded crossing rivers and streams. It's obvious why. Ford decided to mount the computer at the level of your feet in the passenger side kick panel.

This mod isn't for everyone since you lose the use of your glove compartment, but if keeping your computer dry is important to you this may prove helpful.

I can't remember who it was that told me that this would work while we were in Moab this weekend, but my thanks go out to him!

I don't thnk any instruction are needed for this. It's very simple.

I had to cut my bracket in order to use the corner clamp on the top right. This is because of the Hypertech module that I have piggybacked


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I'm going to have FST make an aluminum plate to cover the opening, but you could also cut the "drawer" portion of the stock glove box out and keep the original front panel intact.


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BTW, this mod raised the lowest portion of the computer 13" higher!!! I'll take an extra foot of protection anytime.

Thats a good idea, is there any possible way of putting it somewere else thats higher then stock?

There isn't much more cable and there aren't many choices as to where the computer can go while leaving it inside the truck.

.....unless you want to manually extend about 80 wires and risk messing up the signals by introducing splices ;)

At least mine was about 70-80 wires, dunno how many the OBDI has.

I can't remember who it was that told me that this would work while we were in Moab this weekend, but my thanks go out to him!

Youre welcome Rick.:D


Thanks Josh:D :chug:

At least I didn't try to steal the credit;)

Boy, that red rock dirt just gets everywhere doesnt it... :D

You just get done detailing the interior?? ;)

Cool. how much room is left behind the kick panel now? You coul have a custom made pocket there.....

Not to sidetrack your thread, but did that dash ac vent came with your Explorer, or have you replaced it in the past?


a friend said to waterproof it with a tupperware box and cut a hole for the wires then siliconing them afterwards..... to access the computer, just pop off the lid....

Originally posted by Crankcase

Not to sidetrack your thread, but did that dash ac vent came with your Explorer, or have you replaced it in the past?


I replaced the vents. I like the black ones.

What goes on with your glove box now Rick? Did you just cut the box out of it and now it is just a door?

I guess I could put my gloves somewhere else if I did that..

I never gave it much thought, but I guess I was lucky.


Cant you just cut like 2 or 3 inches out of the back of the glove box and just fabricate a new back? Im in the process of doing this myself.

Cant you just cut like 2 or 3 inches out of the back of the glove box and just fabricate a new back? Im in the process of doing this myself.

I'm sure you could. I did this instead:


thats a pretty cool set up you have

Is there anything else that should be moved so that it doesnt short out

No, nothing else was in the way. Most of what's back there is plastic.

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