Ok, I Seriously Need Some Help!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ok, I Seriously Need Some Help!!


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
After sitting in my yard for about a month now, it has been decided to swap in an explorer v8 drive train and proper transfer case.

Belongs to my friend Jimmy, he got it for a real good price, in hopes to go on runs with us and stuff.

It sits now with a good engine, no transmission. We were going to swap in an ax15 transmission, but decided on the Ford drive train. Now to look for a rolled donor.

1997 Palm Beach edition






Was purchased for 2k like it sits. It will provide salvage parts $$ also as the engine is still strong.

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lol you are about to anger the Chevy gods!

guess you dumped you donors too soon eh?

What transmission are you going to use, the one from the donor
Explorer? Keep in mind the rear driveshaft length!

That orange has to go...

Well, it is more of a copper color.:p::D

Hoping to use a 4r70w and 4406, unless this is too long? I am not sure about this.

We have an ax15 with transfer case here, which was supposed to fit behind the 4cyl.

So, I was going to measure a 4r70 laying here, and add the 4406 depth to compare it to the length of the ax15 and transfer case combo.

If someone has a place for me to research this I would appreciate it.


If this will work out we're going to start with a complete donor truck, I'm keeping the v8 stuff I have.
