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Another OHV M90 build

2000 OHV + rpcaster + henson performance = another supercharged 4.0 ohv Explorer

I have goodies from James already (New MAF, 36lb injectors, wideband O2 for tuning)

Here's what came from Ron (Also a fuel pressure gauge and boost/vacuum gauge)


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Are you saying it will take me a minimum of $500 to do an AWIC or are you just speaking in general terms for yourself? I plan on doing mine for less than a few hundred bucks.

By the "intercooler is on the way" sounds to me like he just bought one.i just hope its not a stock IC for the super coup

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By the "intercooler is on the way" sounds to me like he just bought one.i just hope its not a stock IC for the super coup

Perhaps you are right, because I didn't understand what the heck he was saying. Hopefully he didn't get a SC IC.

Perhaps you are right, because I didn't understand what the heck he was saying. Hopefully he didn't get a SC IC.

Yea i didnt really either but yea i hope he didnt.maybe he was talking about having one made.

Rocket, where are you getting the rad from that goes under the charger? You must be welding that up yourself. Just getting that is a couple hundred.

Sorry, the tablet I'm using has a auto spell check doing. Strange things. I corrected.

Rocket, where are you getting the rad from that goes under the charger? You must be welding that up yourself. Just getting that is a couple hundred.

Sorry, the tablet I'm using has a auto spell check doing. Strange things. I corrected.

You can find the cores that will fit in the space for in the $50-$100 range depending on the size. There will be a little TIG welding involved but the main part that will allow me to fit the AWIC in the new manifold I will be building will be milling a bracket to hold the core inside the lower manifold. Then it is just a matter of plumbing the coolant feed/return lines out of the manifold. The only way it will cost a few hundred is if you have to buy something pre-made. Bell Intercoolers offer a core that is 1.25"x4.5"x6" for $118 which would be a perfect fit for both thickness and dimension inside the manifold. ZZ Performance has a shortstack intercooler core for $70 but I haven't been able to verify dimensions yet to determine if it would be a good candidate for my use. I have found a few others that were cheaper but these two are the better candidates as of right now. The plan is to house the AWIC inside of the lower intake manifold that I will build. This will allow the blower to sit a little lower and will also ensure less chance of boost leakage since there will be less separate components to seal.

I only started really looking into specific parts after I had gotten to talking with you an JD while providing a little advice. Now that I have warmed myself up for thinking about doing custom s/c systems on the 4.0 Explorers again I decided to move my project up from the back burner. I still have to do the new fuel system on the Pontiac before I tear into the Explorer so the s/c project isn't my main focus right now.

The entire blower project will require right around $1k in total so I can guarantee that the AWIC system will not be anywhere remotely close to $500. I expect it to come out to more around the $200 mark.

You are finding cheaper cores than I did. Perfect.
I'd have to sandwich my core between charger mount and charger. Some longer bolts, and I could do this, but leakage, and height restrictions are a concern.

You are finding cheaper cores than I did. Perfect.
I'd have to sandwich my core between charger mount and charger. Some longer bolts, and I could do this, but leakage, and height restrictions are a concern.

Its alot more difficult than just sandwiching need to basically make the same thing i have but for your charger and it needs to be able to handle the pressure of the charger.the one i have is from zzperformance.

In case you missed my pics.remember you also need a front mount heat exchanger and pump




What you are showing would be perfect if I could find one for my style of m90. I'm not sure that they exist, as my charger is being mounted upside down.

Might be able to just drill new holes.that would be cheapest and simplest

True, might be worth risking drilling thru a water vein.

True, might be worth risking drilling thru a water vein.

Your casting output dimension look larger than mine so i would doubt you would.if you can get the dimension of the core just trace it on the plate then trace your gasket on it.or if anyone has a old gasket that they wanna send me ill trace out the core and put the gasket on there and see what it looks like.that way you would know it fits.i imagine it would cost a pretty penny to have a prototype made

I dont now just took a 2nd look.yoirs is much smaller and just a square. I think this core would be two big for you four bolts all that holds yours down?

Yup, 4 bolts

Something that makes me nervous is,what if this core springs a leak!!MAN that would be bad news!!hydrolock my motor!!

Yes, that is a risk. Small though. It's not exposed to the elements, and yours is in a pretty serious frame.

Scary enough you will be ok (remember the ohv can take leaky intake gaskets) as long as you catch it before your dumping a constant amount of water. I really like what you have done there. I had a motor that took overheating 3 times (failing waterpump) before I eventually cracked the heads. Now when I started it mind you I had to give it some gas to have it burn up the coolant/water that was sitting on the back 2 cyclinders. Though you'll find that before you do any major damage (unless your not paying attention and its at WOT).

that looks awesome I'm liking that exchanger man

Well since Dono is using the same blower as I am I figured I would post a few pics of how mine is looking in here in case you other guys doing M90 based 4.0 builds were curious. Once I get my new/bigger press in I will be pressing all the new bearings back into the blower and reassembling it again so it can gather dust for a while until I can bring the green X down.


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Well since Dono is using the same blower as I am I figured I would post a few pics of how mine is looking in here in case you other guys doing M90 based 4.0 builds were curious. Once I get my new/bigger press in I will be pressing all the new bearings back into the blower and reassembling it again so it can gather dust for a while until I can bring the green X down.

thats all most the same color im having mine done in except im only doing the snout in blue and the case in gunmetal or the other way around,all blue is too much for me.i was going to have turtle powder coat mine but 3800 wont ship it not assembled and it i take it apart to coat he said it would void warranty,plus i didnt want to risk messing anything up.these colors
