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Estimated Delivery Date no order or VIN

When did you order and how long did it take you to get an order number?
I shot you a quick update via PM, JarHead1833. :)

I ordered around the end of August. I never got my order number, but I got my VIN from Cory around the 26th of September. It was built on the 6th of October.

You have great news waiting in your inbox. :D


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I'm so excited. We just got our VIN today after bugging the dealer for weeks. We got an eta but the dealer said it will probably be later than the eta. Anyone else run into this?

I'm so excited. We just got our VIN today after bugging the dealer for weeks. We got an eta but the dealer said it will probably be later than the eta. Anyone else run into this?

My original ETA from the dealer was 10/13. After it was moved to in transit the ETA changed to 10/23.

It seems my explorer is one day old now, they grow up so fast. The sticker didn't change the build date, so I assume it WAS built yesterday.
Would the delivery schedule be available at this time?
This is probably a Cory question.

Is there anyway to get a more accurate delivery date? I do have a VIN.

Yes, there is! Send me a PM with your VIN (or order number + dealer info) and I’ll track it for you. :)

...After it was moved to in transit the ETA changed to 10/23.
Your ETA is showing the same, countachkid. :thumbsup: Keep in mind this is still subject to change.

It seems my explorer is one day old now, they grow up so fast. The sticker didn't change the build date, so I assume it WAS built yesterday.
Would the delivery schedule be available at this time?
This is probably a Cory question.

The delivery schedule? You can’t handle the delivery schedule! ;) LOL JK You have some awesome news sitting in your inbox. :D


Well my new baby showed up :D


Congratz Countachkid!!!
The kid is beautiful!! What a lucky dude to get two new baby's so close together.

Congrats Countachkid!! What about the stats on the Babe?
The Sport is lucky to have such precious cargo!

Wow!! Congratulations on the new arrival, too cute!

Congrats Countachkid!! What about the stats on the Babe?
The Sport is lucky to have such precious cargo!

He is 7lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. To top it all off the dealer called me and my explorer is in. :)

He is 7lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. To top it all off the dealer called me and my explorer is in. :)

Congratulations on both accounts! What exciting times for you :)

Congratulations! Exciting week.

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