i heard explorers flip easy.... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i heard explorers flip easy....


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Yep..they can...


i drove my explorer on 6" lift and 3" bl and 33's with no sway bars like it was an indy car and had no problems. Just make sure you know how to drive.

the 572 big block under the hood of my explorer puts out sooooo much torque, i had to add 3 extra leafs on the back right spring pack and if the barometric pressure outside is right, it will go right on the roof...

damn i read this thread in my truck....and it musta got so scared it just went right ahead and flipped itself over to save me the trouble-lol

Does the system have any effect on ride quality? I hate going through construction zones (and there's too many around here) that throw around the rear end up and down.

I know it helps with the handling, just hoping it would do something for the ride when the thing is empty.
I see no one has tried this.
No effect on ride quality at all. It sits there until you corner, have a heavy load or are towing.
It stops WHEEL HOP too.
I may be wrong but the only thing I know of to stop the bad ride in empty trucks with springs is weight.
I mean really, I can't understand why anyone would not buy it for 2 hundred+. Its that GOOD!
The best part is that it is easy to install and may even fit more than 1 vehicles. They have 1 for 1/2 tons and a larger 1 for 3/4-1 ton.

The height you need will definitely help with the rolling issue, as long as you put 53" Michellins on it. :mattmoon:

WOW! I didn't know I could put 53" tires on my 1st gen stock, everybody I asked only said 31's and I may still have to trim.

Thanks Froader, you've given me the answer I wanted to hear :D

Jeff - :navajo:

Had to make a trip to Flagstaff in the early spring once, in a company 2.5 ton truck. There was a late snow, and the roads had icy spots, especially where the trees shaded the road surface which delayed the snow getting melted off the road in some areas. I encountered 3 sets of accidents where there were multlple vehicles off the road. In all 3 cases, the cars did not flip, and the high center of gravity vehicles did flip. How you drive is the absolutely biggest factor in whether or not you will flip. I can tell you that by the time I and the other drivers still on the road got to Flagstaff, we were doing 35 in a 75 zone. When the road surfaces are iffy, slow down. Simple as that.

Oh I have heard this so many times, in my old full size Bronco. with 6" lift and 35's. Never had a problem.. If you use your head and do Not over correct a Swerve you will be ok..

Cheap Mods to prevent Flip Over.

1. put on 215x65x15's these will slide on pavement and not cause a Flip (maybe)
2. Stay on the pavement ! Offroading can build up dirt in a slide and help you flip over. Even a sports car will in soft dirt.
3. cut the body down to just above the arm rest,and you will not be top heavy enough to flip easy. (If you try this please wear a Helmet)
4. Lower the Explorer to where the bumpers are almost touching the Road. (may need smaller Tires like in #1
5. Use 350 Ford axles maybe you can set the body of your EX between the tires.
6. Remove the engine where you won't be tempted to drive it.
7. Find a 30 MPH curve and increase you speed at 10 mph each time you go around until it Flips. This will be your speed NOT to reach on a Curve. Water of Ice can change this speed.(please don't attempt this without a roll cage, helmet and maybe a fire suit. )
8. Now the Hard Part. figure out how your Ex handles and do not exceed the lean angle. (You may not have to use #7 to figure this)

Oh I have heard this so many times, in my old full size Bronco. with 6" lift and 35's. Never had a problem.. If you use your head and do Not over correct a Swerve you will be ok..

Cheap Mods to prevent Flip Over.

1. put on 215x65x15's these will slide on pavement and not cause a Flip (maybe)
2. Stay on the pavement ! Offroading can build up dirt in a slide and help you flip over. Even a sports car will in soft dirt.
3. cut the body down to just above the arm rest,and you will not be top heavy enough to flip easy. (If you try this please wear a Helmet)
4. Lower the Explorer to where the bumpers are almost touching the Road. (may need smaller Tires like in #1
5. Use 350 Ford axles maybe you can set the body of your EX between the tires.
6. Remove the engine where you won't be tempted to drive it.
7. Find a 30 MPH curve and increase you speed at 10 mph each time you go around until it Flips. This will be your speed NOT to reach on a Curve. Water of Ice can change this speed.(please don't attempt this without a roll cage, helmet and maybe a fire suit. )
8. Now the Hard Part. figure out how your Ex handles and do not exceed the lean angle. (You may not have to use #7 to figure this)

Hahahaha... the definative guide to not rolling over...:rolleyes: :D

I was and still am a firm believer of Explorers rolling like any other SUV.. If not less from my experience now.. 2 weeks ago or so I went sideways on the highway and hit the ditch at 70mph and came to a dead stop. If anything my driver side lifted off the ground maybe 4"... It wasnt all that much if at all. And I'm lifted 6" with 33s.

Drive like an ass and you'll find out soon enough what your vehicle can and cannot do. I certainly learned my lesson. Dont drive with Thornbirds ;) lol

i have a 92 plymoth colt vista and it has a bunch of body roll. it doesent even have sway dars. it is the biggest pile. it makes my X feel like an indy car. and it has a 1.8 but gets worse fuel mileage then my X. the X is very stable compaired to most other SUVs and trucks

Oh BTW the colt vista is for sale $2000
good gas mileage 10+mpg

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