Finding Factory Door Code (Securicode) | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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There is info in your manual about this....

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HELP! I just purchased a brand new 2013 XLT explorer. I was messing with the mytouch screen and was tryign to add new key code. it asked what I wanted to do with the other and I said delete. So now there is no code at all. Am i screwed? How do I get the facotry code back in?
Welcome to the Forum CRFrizzell. :wavey:
Did you check the package of manuals you received. My number was on a tag in that package. Also, unless Ford has changed things from the 2011 model, your door code key is on a white tag with a bar code on it. It can be found near the fuse box up above the parking brake area.
As GWA1 mentioned, the factory set code will always remain, even if you clear all memory codes.



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Hey guys/gals... appreciate the help. Im not being very clear sorry. I have the card and yes its on a white index glossy. I went into the SYC touch screen to change it. It asked me if I want to add it or delete the original. I deleted the one that is preprogrammed and on that card. So now there is nothing in the system. If I try to create new or use the old one it doesnt register. I cant make one and it wont let me pull up or use the factory one. Make sense? It BLOWS!!!!! hahaha

PS. Im telling you in the 2013 it lets you delete it and it doesnt come back. I mean its Not there at all. Code doesnt work on doors, no code in file. No place to put it back in or restore. No place to add a new one. You have to have the original in there for it to allow you to add. :(

PS. Im telling you in the 2013 it lets you delete it and it doesnt come back. I mean its Not there at all. Code doesnt work on doors, no code in file. No place to put it back in or restore. No place to add a new one. You have to have the original in there for it to allow you to add. :(
So what you're saying is that when you try the setup and enter the original code and within 5 seconds when pressing the (1-2) button, it gives you an error and won't let you proceed with entering a new code? Remember all entries have to be made within 5 seconds of the previous entry.
The 2011 manual seems to be quite clear that the factory code cannot be deleted.


I have been looking online but haven't found any info on this or in the manual, I guess if it comes down to it you could always unhook the battery and I would guess that it would reset it back to the factory code...??

I have been looking online but haven't found any info on this or in the manual, I guess if it comes down to it you could always unhook the battery and I would guess that it would reset it back to the factory code...??
Looks a dealer trip is in order for the OP.


Where to find factory code for keyless entry 2012 Explorer

....I found the 5 digit number that I need to unlock my Explorer. Hopefully this info will help anyone else in the future who may need it. I looked under where the gas and brake pedals are located. I used the flashlight with my phone and there I "easily" saw a 5 digit number with the letter "L" after it. I hoped the "L" stood for "lock". I put in the 5 digit number and low and door unlocked!!!

jhcarter....thank you also for your advice. Your time was appreciated also. I'm just glad I had an easier and less time consuming outcome!

This also worked on a 2012 Explorer Limited. Thanks JFBK!


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OOPS! Deleted factory code for the door number pad/keyless entry!

Do after having my explorer for nearly three months, I finally set my own keyless entry code. After a few days I decided I didn't like that code and I wanted to change it. I entered the factory code on the screen to get into the screen where the new code can be entered. After I entered the code, there was a prompt that asked if I wanted to add, change or delete, I think. Expecting the result of this prompt to be another screen, I touched delete and then I think it went back to the screen asking for the factory code. Now when I enter the factory code, nothing happens - like I've entered the wrong code.

So now I'm looking fit advice on how to fix this.


Have you checked the card in the back of your owners manual?????

Do after having my explorer for nearly three months, I finally set my own keyless entry code. After a few days I decided I didn't like that code and I wanted to change it. I entered the factory code on the screen to get into the screen where the new code can be entered. After I entered the code, there was a prompt that asked if I wanted to add, change or delete, I think. Expecting the result of this prompt to be another screen, I touched delete and then I think it went back to the screen asking for the factory code. Now when I enter the factory code, nothing happens - like I've entered the wrong code.

So now I'm looking fit advice on how to fix this.

If you are not sure if you entered the correct factory code and you can't find the card, check out the following thread for my post and picture.


You are not the first to have done this. There is another thread on this forum where a member encountered the same issue. I haven't looked for it yet.


I searched "reset factory keyless entry" and didn't see anything obvious.

So, since I did the original erase described in the first post, my custom code will not unlock my doors, but the factory code will.

BUT the factory code will not let me in to the screen on the MFT to program a new personal code.

I did the steps mentioned in the PDF to erase all custom codes and the factory code will still unlock the doors, but the factory code still doesn't work in MFT to let me make new codes.

I did not try to program a new code by using the actual keypad on the door. I'll try that next.

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I had a helluva time trying to do this via the screen...I just did it using the keypad and it took on the first try
